Vesto Slipher

Um...pretty sure that’s Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil. It doesn’t take a sharpshooter’s eyes to see that.

I have no problem with any of this...except ‘very young Rocket’. Rocket’s backstory is well established, and it’s near-perfect. You can’t do better than Bill Mantlo and you shouldn’t try.

While I was at work today and this was the hot button issue being talked about, I learned a shockingly large amount of my coworkers would be willing to hand over their phones and computers to our employees with no qualms. I am talking about personal computers by the way, not work ones. Their response to me saying they

Dadbod? Please, can we start calling it Father Figure instead?

The Expanse series

Maybe it’s because I just finished reading it and loved it

More emotional than “We. Are. Groot”?!?!?

We’ll see if the show amounts to anything. Face facts: given how many genre shows have been on the air since The Adventures of Superman, we’re gonna find the Killjoy components from plenty of other shows/movies. Does this grabbag of tropes (when you want to be kind) and cliches (when you want to be correct) end up

The new expanse novel is fantastic. So glad Amos is getting his own own chapters. He’s just the best.

This was the most incredible collapse of a straw man I’ve ever seen. Let’s come up with some other apparently equivalent examples. A black man walks into a neighborhood trying to buy a home close to work, and the real estate agent refuses to sell to them. A NORMAL black person says “Fuck you! Fuck your beliefs! And

Ugh that was the first time I didn’t like Arya’s storyline. She was being such an idiot and completely terrible at being stealthy

And yet, what purpose did Shireen’s death serve in the overall narrative of the story and the tone of the show if within 10-15 minutes of happening people had pretty much put it in the back of their minds to awe at CGI dragons being all dragony?

Darth Maul was designed by committee to be as “badass” as possible. he is the Poochie of aliens. Wait, Poochie was an alien, wasn’t he? He is Poochie.

I recall watching THX 1138 and thinking: this is the sort of film they stopped making after Star Wars. Lucas killed the profit making capabilities of his own earlier work.

I really considered leaving that movie during the pod race. 18 year old me was just too cheap and too hopeful. I really should have just left.

I can safely say that I’ve never a day in my life craved tomato juice, on a plane or otherwise.

If they ask you if you’re married, just say “are you proposing? because I accept! THIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!”

Your last name is Horn and this is about horns.