
The original BB music OST was infinitely superior; there are actual rehashes from previous entries. It’s very disappointing to hear licensing issues, did they just not want to pay someone a few extra dollars?

Also, some of the later stages that were “difficult” mostly due to motion controls are a joke with stick

If you see 50 cheaters I hope you report 50 people... sounds like a fun day to spend all your time reporting cheaters

Shantae was a wonderful game for those who have not tried it. Old school platformer with absolutely wonderful music, cute story and wonderful art. Highly recommend if you’re looking for something new

The more detailed answer is that Golem can learn Rock throw as a quick attack, which will be super-effective against all flying legendaries. Rhydon does not get rock moves as a quick attack, though I argue that it’s still fine to run a Rhydon w/ stone edge. Just use 6 strong pokemon that aren’t bad matchups and

“First Pokemon Go Legendary” makes it sound like the event has a pre-determined, single, legendary planned for the event and players to catch. Then the entire article refers to “legendaries” indicating people will just catch legendaries left and right. Top it off with the fact that you’ve used different pictures of

Indeed a typo, the correct funding is $100,000 prize pool with $50,000 to first place and the rest of the sentence as is

I must have got lucky cause my typhlosion returned with 100 coins earlier this morning, they must have made the 50coin limit recently

Good article. Not sure why other people haven’t mentioned it but even though I’m lvl 33 no raids exist in my town, the announcement is a bit misleading.

The longer your pokemon stays in a gym the more coins it collects, when you get kicked out of a gym the pokemon returns with coins. Can’t provide specifics on how much coin you get for how many hours in a gym, don’t know yet.

Three key differences to point out with the new Gyms. 1 ) Pokemon will gradually leave gyms over time if they’re not maintained. People can’t just stick a pokemon in, get the gym to lvl 10 and forget about it. Great news if you see the same old stuff in gyms and you’re tired of that wall of Blissey’s and

Any chance someone @Kotaku HAS played AM2R and can chime in? Would like more detail on this point

Call me a pessimist but it’s way too early to give praise for Nintendo. They’ve been providing Virtual Console services since the Wii, and still they can only commit to NES games? I mean just look at that horrible Splatoon 2 communications setup, people really think their online services are going to be better?

Wouldn’t the article be fine without your opening remark, it’s 2017 we know all games are full of disrespectful people. Don’t need to single out dota2 as though it’s got a problem.

Nintendo sold 1.5M units of NES Classic to date, Reggie seems to think 2M units of Switch is enough to be well-positioned. Can you guys share your thoughts on how well-positioned you think Nintendo will be come launch day for Switch? I personally don’t think 2M is adequate

I miss those days, no risk/reward when a game lets you save every 1 second so that if you fail at X task you don’t get punished. Developers just need to do a better job at acknowledging different needs for consumers, tired of seeing games with 0 settings. Give players the option to make the game harder (and I don’t

You guys should do an article on what is a hardcore gamer these days (if you haven’t already). Hearing the podcast say the Switch is leaning towards the hardcore gamer and leaving elderly / casual gamers behind makes me question what your definition of a hardcore gamer is. Put simply when I think hardcore I’m

With Nintendo you never know? We all know our wallets will be coughing up extra dough for the same classic games we’ve already bought, because Nintendo.

Your title is DCMA.... think you wanted DMCA

@Kirk regarding your note that internal memory is 32gb is there any clarity that switch will operate like previous nintendo systems and run directly off the game cart and not install onto memory?

I want to see Nintendo step out of their comfort zone (for Nintendo) and show us they can adapt to their consumers’ needs. A good price point, MULTIPLE first and third party launch titles that aren’t shovel-ware, and most important a really well thought out road map for the next 12 months.