
Some shows, like Keijo, feel like their plot was created solely for fan-service. That’s a no go for me. A lot of shows seem to include some degree of fan-service, depending on how well they work it into the plot makes it or breaks it for me. I really dislike when they just throw in fan-service though because the

Feels like that for a lot of buttons... target-lock on xbox opens the map if you’re not locked onto a target in combat. Overall too many buttons do too many things making it frustrating

Not surprising to me, people got burned on FFXIII and they’re leery of buying into another failure. I’ve been enjoying the bromance very much, I hope they’ll start work on FXVI 5 years ago so we’ll get it released by 2022, they need to follow up on this success sooner rather than later

To me the worst part is living in a rural community there are pokemon that are no where near a pokestop, they don’t show up in tracking at all. I can walk into stuff I don’t even know is there because the tracker will only show pokemon that are near pokestops now.

Am I allowed to say Pokemon GO? I’ll also be playing some FFXIV

Good games but it’s depressing when I see a bunch of launch titles on this list. Just goes to show what a lack of new, GOOD, content has come out on Wii U that it can’t even break your top 12 list. Will be glad when Nintendo puts the WiiU to rest and we can all call it a bad dream.

Really? My only suggestion would be to send in the request again, it sounds stupid but sometimes you get a d*ck head customer service rep who wants to be stubborn and follow some ridiculous protocol, new request means you might get a different response. I was in the exact same situation as I had pre-ordered and then

As a reader any key differences I should expect in content, what you cover, the way you write articles, etc.... with this acquisition? Kind of like what you guys do now and how you report on it #worriedreader

“If you don’t care about W/L” .... why do developers bring out this argument? Maybe I’m a pessimist in saying no one truly has fun just playing, we all want to win on some level.

Your second last bullet point is a double-edge sword. I recently went back and played through the campaign of SC1 and Broodwar. I really re-appreciated the UI and controls made available in SC2 that I know a lot of people were complaining about, saying it would be too easy to just press 1 button to select your army to

Based on official news and media do you feel the NX will bring Nintendo back as a worthy household console? After being a Wii U owner these past few years I'm a little disappointed and a bit skeptical Nintendo will fix their mistakes.

Reply pending tech investigation

Hope these are original classics and not updated for graphics/bug fixes/etc... classics are so good

@Anonymous Tester - Curious if you have any personal insight into why games launch with the amount of bugs we see nowadays. Seems like our culture is OK buying a game that has day 1 launch issues, do testers like yourself have adequate time for bug testing? Too much workload for the amount of testers? Do politics