
My dad worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories when I was a kid which resulted us getting a ISDN line on the house. :)  

I have dogs with atomic level accuracy internal clocks. They get me up on the weekends at the same time they get me up during the week. No sleeping for me.

Damn, that’s absolutely beautiful. I tend towards rustic loaves & baguettes, in part because I’ve never managed to make a sandwich loaf that surpassed a couple from my convenient neighborhood bakeries. Yours makes me reconsider!

Ideally, that’s what it is, where a job is just the thing that makes the rest of your life more accessible, or gives your dogs that premium dog food, whatever. I like my work but it’s what enabled everything else I do, it’s not who I am. 


Let’s not forget the very best “trapped in corporate hell” sitcom...

Thank you!

Or you could simply whack anti-vaxxers over the head with the rifle butt until they learn sense. 

I’ve been on the OMAD (One Meal A Day) for the last two weeks and I’ve really noticed the opposite. I no longer have the late afternoon post lunch crash, and overall I have more energy throughout the day. Now to be fair, that mainly could be due to the fact that I am overweight by 40-50lbs, so my energy could just

It’s Famine from Good omens - forget crop failure, you can sell people canned air to eat and they’ll buy it because it’s low-cal.

Only a really rich person would voluntarily not eat for hours and then talk about how much time they have without framing it around meals. #bye

Do you have a recipe?  I actually love to bake, and I used to do it all the time, and I am frankly unimpressed by the bread I can find locally for relatively cheap.  If a stand-mixer could actually help me make bread all the time, it would be worth it to me.

coincidence? i think not.

#oppy on twitter is sad, inspiring and hopefull 

Thanks for all the science, Opportunity. We’ll build you a statue once we’ve colonized Mars. 

This is going to make all the right people so mad.

Grieving time should be proportional to the type of rejection.

The pickup is a Ram. Is the box truck a ewe-haul?