
twenty. that was twenty years ago.

In other words, “No, Donald, you can’t be our friend even if you try to take our side against our boss. Even when he underpays us and cuts our benefits and job security, we still like him better than a guy who thinks it’s cool to just abuse women and rule a nation by fiat.”

You should probably lay low for a while.

“My people”!?!? Holy fucking shit, if that doesn’t make your stomach turn. We are not YOUR PEOPLE! You are a public SERVANT! You work for us. JFC.

Nomi was definitely the author(s) so she was bound to be a focus and her story with Amanita was so ... dammit why is someone cutting onions in my office?!

I thought the show was the Wachowski’s answer to the question: how can our society easily consume or suspend disbelief about the fictional concept of mutant superheroes but stall at recognizing the naturally occurring phenomenon of LGBQT peoples?

As a straight person, I never felt the series was pushing an “agenda.” It was a series about 8 people who were able to connect in a way we can only wish was possible. For me, the series was always about love and the bonds between human beings.

“One of those, we see, is good old Logan, in a terrible state after being sent away by William as punishment at the end of season one. “There’s gotta be a way out of here.”

Rub his nose in it, otherwise he’ll never learn.

Schrödinger’s Douchebag. The dashboard notification alone killed me.

Yup, the only one not reprising her role is Mary Costa (Aurora) who I believe is played by Kate Higgins currently

I wonder if they’ll get all (living) voice actresses to reprise their princess’s voice?

Sheppard is now...Cinderella? That hurts my brain. (I think I have to replay ME1-3 so I can feel better)

She voices Rapunzel in the ongoing TV show, so it’s not surprising.

It looks like they used most of the original voices, living ones at least. Oddly Cinderella is done by Jennifer hale, aka commander Sheppard from the mass effect games, not that she isn’t a great voice actress.

Last I heard, they did get a bunch of them.

John Goodman marries Phylicia Rashad after both of their spouses die in explosions. The Conner and Huxtable families merge Brady Bunch style.

That’s not how this works anymore :), thankfully.

I don’t know why but every news story I’ve seen about this Darth Maul reveal (from the Kinja network or elsewhere) uses a photo of Emilia Clarke’s character as its headline image.