
The below is from an NPR interview of commentator Aaron Freeman: 

“Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?” ― Terry Pratchett

My 6 year old has basically grown up on this. Sneaks up behind me with “seagulls gonna come ... poke you in the coconut” as he whacks me in the head. Daily. Still. <sigh>

I use a few power bars (larabar) and lots of water, but basically this.

My problem is I drink too much on long haul flights and, not being able to sleep on an airplane, it ruins me.

I don’t quite fast, but I do go extremely light while I travel. I keep enough protein in me to keep me sated through nuts, but for the most part, it’s water and the odd coffee.

I brought this up to her and her solution is “we can just not have sex ever again.”

I just hope that A) Apple fixes the app and B) they continue to support Windows and Android clients.

I’ve traveled globally my whole life and I STILL despise public bathrooms. I usually keep the eating light (small and plain sandwiches, salads, water only, etc.) until I get to wherever I’m staying. My go to emergency snack that I carry with me if there are no good options is granola w/ dried fruit.

Well *pats knee* I suppose now is as good a time as any... Do you know about the birds and the bees?

“a young and ridiculously beautiful Jennifer Connelly”

Jennifer Connelly. ‘Nuff said.

Trick question! They never do a good job

You forgot ‘Jennifer Connelly’.

I love pretty much everything about this movie. Men wearing fedoras firing tommy guns! Jennifer Connelly! Nazi Jetpack Propaganda Cartoons! Timothy Dalton in full smarm-mode! Jennifer Connelly! That bit where the FBI agent and Paul Sorvino suddenly realise they’re both shooting at Nazis together! Zeppelins! Zeppelins

If anything, “ridiculously beautiful” somehow sells Connelly short in The Rocketeer.

I once read somewhere words to the effect of, “Batman was a comic book movie directed by Tim Burton. Batman Returns was a Tim Burton movie with Batman in it.”

The Rocketeer really keyed in on a lot of the 40s retro influences that were kicking around then, and was in turn one of the big influences on the kind of architecture and design I love. It’s not a good movie, but it is great. Plus, Jennifer Connelly MY GOD. She’s possibly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen