
I love that book. I have a signed copy. He wrote a bunch of the good ones.


“Some are true and some are false.

I found her intriguing as well, but didn’t quite understand why at that point.

Data was a sexy MFer.

That was such a good book. ST:TNG had surprisingly good companion novels. Also, I cannot judge, because as a 13 year old, I thought that Wesley Crusher in his read ensign suit was the hottest thing ever. I will fight anyone who disagrees with 13 year old me.

I read that. :)

Let’s be friends!

hey that’s a good book

Now playing

(This is not the porno being discussed. Just an incredibly thorough sex-themed super cut of the show.

You know there is a Star Trek TNG porn that actually functions extremely well as a TNG movie. The sex scenes were boring but they seem to have picked actors based on their ability to imitate the characters because the guy playing Piccard is incredibly believable.

Which ECHO are you referring to? Cause Google suggests Earth to Echo.

If you get that time machine working, can you give younger me some sports almanacs? Thanks in advance!

you doing ok?

I dealt with a 9 month infestation. Turns out they can easily be dealt with by using diatomaceous earth. Everything went through the dryer on high heat, and in less than a week they were gone. I blew up the vacuum cleaner, but it was worth it. Don’t bar your friend from visiting his kitty, but talk about making sure

what do you mean “real person”?

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

It’s a frequent problem for usb micro ports. USB C will make it basically moot.

It’s a frequent problem for usb micro ports. USB C will make it basically moot.

My wife is the exact opposite. No matter what restaurant we go to, she will order a Caesar salad with chicken. I will order the restaurant’s speciality and she will eat about half of her salad then pick off samples of my meal and regret not ordering it.