I like the cut of your jib.
I like the cut of your jib.
I like the cut of your jib.
I like the cut of your jib.
A lot of that depends on driving style, but my limited understanding of mechanical engineering would suggest that heavier vehicles wear the brakes comparatively more quickly than lighter vehicles do.
But 4jim, I AM you, just from 22 months in the future.
Before I go, I just have to warn you... DON’T CUT THE YELLOW WIRE.
No, now you’re just talking to yourself.
Definitely not weird.
Wait, so does Hyundai simply not exist?
Have I been driving a fantasy this entire time??
Is my fantasy even still parked out behind my office right now???
Are there four question marks at the end of this sentence????
I continuously tell myself that my day-job is simply how I fund my childhood dreams.
I’m a big advocate of using tranquilizer guns to vaccinate people at a distance.
This is version 9 of my personal bread recipe.
I make a loaf of bread for the next week on the weekend, and having my mixer mix and knead the dough while I start cleaning up is a time saver (and a literal load off of my shoulders).
Quoth my subconscious:
They are NOT happy about this over at RedState.
It would be fun to watch if they weren’t getting so frighteningly “god’s law is above man’s law” about the whole thing.
I bought my first home last year, new construction, a small townhouse-condo with a single garage.
I’m not okay with how they discriminate against robots.
It seems that more and more banks and credit unions offer credit monitoring/protection as a paid or free service.
If they had even a shred of decency, they would have found a middle-schooler whose last name was “Obama” who has suffered similar bullying.
<waits for the impending lawsuits from everyone living south of the equator>
Dear Oreo,
Thank you for this.