
Here here. Not only that, but how much more satisfying will it be to get to that point from a growth point of view as opposed to jumping straight into "Hey, here's Peter Parker, married to a supermodel…woe is him.". I think that what makes Adult Peter work, is the growth from youthful Peter and it will be nice if we

Yeah… you're right. The president-elect is totally against self promotion.

Apparently it is indeed her. No, the character was killed off for dramatic reasons, as she eventually came back as a completely different character, Nurse Shirley.

She would say that, she got a crocodile in spelling.

Did anybody else read that as Indina Menzel and Nia Vardolos and then just…get real uncomfortable?

You mean the blue collar workers he likes to not pay?

Sounds like a monster.

I was about the respond saying like "Oh man, way to overreact, its not that many zippers"… but then I started counting them… You win.

How did VIMEO drop an original series before YouTube? Also… is this going to be paid content? Also, I'm guessing the show likely has draws for all geeky fans, I doubt it's just a Firefly thing, despite the talent behind it.

It's confusing why it's on CBS (except they clearly want to see if they can get in on the Superhero game), but the benefit is the vastly increased budget that comes with it. The special effects in the pilot are absolutely fantastic.

When able to use his own accent, he can put out a decent performance, I still remember his indredible charm on Undeclared. However, when left to his terrible American accent, he's pretty dire.

Breaking News: Sony Mishandles Property, more at 11.

Goodnight Oren is the stuff nightmares are made of.

Lets just say that I am sorry and she is sorry.

Naked in a duffle bag? This is Classic Tammy.

Les Halt!

Papa tomato says "Catch up."

Forget you, Clown.

Maybe he's from Pylea?

Its a genre, there are tropes. It happens. If Star Wars had come out this year, you'd be arguing against it just the same.