
Yeah, it was damned entertaining? It was a better time than I had at the movies than any other flick this year. The performances were great, the script was funny, the action was exciting. But no, lets completely toss it aside because it was a blockbuster action film.

Yeah that's one of the worst death scenes in recent memory. It's not so much a bad take as… just poorly written and performed in general. Its almost like she was bored of the scene and just died.

I know we all here at the AV Club seem to have a natural inclination against Aaron Sorkin…but what was really that wrong with what he said?

I know a C- is still a bad review but it doesn't do it justice. I caught this a few weeks back at the Toronto After Dark fest… and this is honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Elijah Wood and Sasha Grey do what they can, and it's telling that Wood really does give it his all, but it's just… so incredibly

Yeah… I'm going to jump on the unpopular wagon here.. This is genius because….? Kayne always struck me as one of those artists who was transcendent before anyone heard anything from him. It's marketing at it's finest. The Iphone of People.

I don't throw around words like masterpiece lightly…

Maybe a "Hang in there kitty" poster with a hanging cat?

As another short man… It…matters to them. Not us.

Agent AndHot!

So its more of a short brochure then?

"Marley was dead to begin with…"

Sweeps week.

When it gets cancelled no one will write in… because we all know what they'll do to that poor dog if the series is allowed to run it's natural course.

Pun intended?

Hmm I definitely have a few I always look forward to no matter what. Wes Anderson, Joss Whedon, Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips, Brian K. Vaughn, Rian Johnson, Tarantino (I know it's not cool to say…but come on…), Arcade Fire, The National, and yes, The Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Yeah, I caught on pretty quickly, because Pasdar was really playing up the "Oh hey it's uh…you… Mr. Um…You" card in that scene.

This bothered me too, and also had me envisioning entire cadres of low-paid interns ordering Office Supplies and Uniforms with the new Insignia on it.
"Ok so that will be 78,000 Hydra logo pens…Wait Hydra…you don't mean like the…"
"Nope, different HYDRA"

Weird, it never occurred to me that it was a minority opinion. I was a huge fan of Season 5. Not nearly as much as say, Seasons 2 and 3… but I loved what they did. The Future storyline is one of my favourites they did… and was only mildly unimpressed with the finale.

A much different, but perhaps fitting, alternate ending for Barney?

The Clone Wars may have had some grey in it…but for the most part, the villains were basically just EVIL. As it typically rolls with Star Wars.