
White people who do awful acoustic covers of rap songs will not be treated kindly by history.

Sure! If you don’t like pooping.

Adding some favorite examples: They feel like “illegals” are “taking over this country” and overrunning the boarder. Fact: net immigration is zero.

Red states already get money from all of us because they take in more federal dollars than they contribute. But the big bad gubernment is gonna get cha. Oh yes indeedy.

That “females,” though.

Great. Catching people texting while they are waiting for lights to change is going to make our roads so much safer.

This is chilling for a lot of reasons but for me the worst was the totally uneventful stop that took place immediately prior to Sandra being pulled over (and almost made me think this was somehow the wrong video). That’s how sweet a cop can be... if he wants. Once an officer decides he’s owed more deference than he’s

Can we ban people who don't effing know what humanism is from using the word in conversation or nah?

Yes, this is the kind I was trying to think of in my comment. Huy Fong is definitely my go-to, but when it can’t be found I’ve been very happy with Badia.

I will try it!

This. A friend of mine lost her life recently and her family chose to frame it as: “she lost her battle with depression.” Because those who die by their own hand are not making a conscious, rational decision, which “committed” and “took” imply.

Because it’s not okay to body shame. That’s why this doesn’t have more stars (in my humble opinion). Not very nice of the original poster. :S

While there is an issue with her accuracy, my issue with it is that it merely detracts from her point - she is totally correct in her analysis of the US, and perhaps should have stuck with that, because otherwise it simply does allow people to focus on her factual errors rather than notice her point about white

You can always tell a Milford man...


YES. The solution we’re aiming for is a society that is just for all, not one where everyone is rich (which is not even logically possible let alone practically possible).

I remember watching this news special about how this police department was trying to get these convicted young black men to stop selling drugs and get “respectable” jobs. And it revealed a few things 1) These men would have never have been able to get jobs with records if the police department hadn’t intervened and 2)

.................did you just say the “i” word????

This times a million. There’s no inherent right or wrong whether someone wears a tie or a hoodie.