
Okay, this is a different issue, but what the hell is the deal with the hate for e-readers? I prefer my Nook for two reasons: I am moving around a lot because of different jobs and hauling books is a bitch, and I can read with a black background and white lettering. The white-on-black is so much easier on eyes and I

It is okay to like, or dislike, whoever you like (or indeed, dislike!).

Wha... what...?

It's almost like Jesuit Dallas is more focused on shoving conservative cultural and social ideas down students' throats than teaching them to reject a "culture of bigotry and racism." Just a thought.

You hit on an important point here, which is that overall moderation is the key to a healthy diet. Attempts to pin the blame on any single source of calories for complex health conditions, is neither accurate nor is it productive. Moreover, contrary to its name, high fructose corn syrup is not high in fructose.

Of all the comments this is the one that made me snicker. Like, I can only be bothered to put in the effort to hit one key.…

This shows how each type of sugar enters the pathway that converts such molecules into energy. Anybody with some biochemistry background can tell you that fructose and glucose are essentially the same (yes, it does enter the pathway a bit later and thus makes a bit more energy,

I did this when trying to lose weight, doing separate tracking of salt and sugar intake, and was absolutely mortified at the sugar content in things I ate every day. Fucking Yoplait? Salad dressing? I was absolutely astounded at how much sugar I was taking in even when I was trying to eat healthy. I had the same

I hear you, but then why does Whole Foods ban HFCS from products they sell, but they don't ban sugar? Why does my bottle of Log Cabin not-really-maple syrup proclaim "NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP" on the front, but the ingredients start with "Corn syrup, sugar" on the back?

i heart your name so hard. i did a double take and liked it even harder.

Since your Moleskine is the Lego one, you're cool by me.


This is legitimately my parents' argument. My mother makes $15/hour and she has flat out said she doesn't think the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because it wouldn't be fair for her to make the same as a McDonald's cashier.

People don't think fast food workers should make $15 an hour because it forces them to confront the fact that they're, probably, getting paid shit as well and they don't want to admit that to themselves.

This repeatedly-raised point is such a crappy false equivalency. "But then who will I get to look down on?!"

I do this, too. I will be forever gray and downvoted for speaking the truth.

I am an anonymous imgur troll. I regularly call out racism, sexism, classism, gun nuts, misogynists and the like. It's a tough job, I get so many downvotes.

You made me lol sir