
I'm not anti-science, but scientists lie, except about my workout-routine,

I'm not anti-gay, I'm just afraid that if I say that it's okay, a creator god is going to make me burn in literal hell for eternity for that one mistake. The worst that gay people are going to do to me is say I'm a meanie. No-brainer there.

I'm not anti-welfare, unless you're about to fire me.

I'm not anti-minorities, but why can't they just work hard and get ahead on their own?

I'm not anti-gay, but I don't think they should get married.

I'm honestly not here to respond to straw-men, you've clearly stated that you think some jobs should not pay enough for a man or woman to survive, so you've obviously got an idea of a living wage already set in your mind.

how much per hour is a living wage? please, put a solid number on it.



Every job you can conceive should be a living wage, that is the point of the willingness and ability to participate in a society or economy. There is no metric by which you can rank the worthiness of a living wage, by ones opinion on effort exerted.

While I agree about the bottle-top-popping, this sounds very hard like the rationalization of being cheap. Or personal politics bleeding into everything in your life.


Gex and Legacy of Kain are the franchises Square needs to reboot.

I would break PA down like this:

"Rape is a violent crime no doubt. I think you can find a shitload of other beer names (esp IPAs) that refer to murder, assassination, assault, etc. Do you think these are less serious crimes? Are you just overly sensitive to sexual provocation?"

Wow...I didn't know that was the case re: Income based repayment. So basically the government gets their money any fucking way.

It pisses me off in general just how god damn expensive it is to get an education of any sort now in days. Keep the poor poor and the rich rich, I guess.

Isn't it somehow terrifying how any argument about something even remotely political in the USA will always be described as a Republican point of view (in this case, "government intervention is bad, let the market take care of itself") and a Democratic point of view (in this case, "corporate self-interest is bad, let