I love this.
I love this.
going for the low bar Kotaku stars here please and thank you
The purpose of pointing out the 83 vs 88 percent, in this case, is to prove that not only was what DonJ tweeted was a false stat, but that he chose 88 deliberately. No where in the article does the writer point this out to disparage the Dem.
Fuck your “Well actually” horseshit.
Today, we’re talking about Gritty, weddings, pissing in the woods, and more.
Agreed. I’ve read about half now and will have to read the rest later, but this is fantastic reporting.
Can’t read it all now but reading the first third and skimming the rest, this is an excellent feature, Cecilia. It blows my mind that many people are going to read this and think it just exists to push some kind of agenda.
That said, if you watch the video or look at the examples I posted above, this is pretty cut-and-dry. It’s not just a matter of two reviews using generic “reviewer” language - Miucin copies entire ideas and sentence structures from the YouTuber.
I love this. One of the producers at Ubisoft actually took to his twitter, screenshotting the above “good” tweet and very bluntly called out those same racist, toxic people to their faces and said they were only in gaming to be bullies. You will note the internet/Reddit mob has yet to demand his head on a pike and…
So what you’re saying is that a secret-ish group of many people who represent a significant portion of those who write the news in the US and who are passively or actively resistant to including trans perspectives in their group, despite the fact that they report regularly on trans issues and as a result have a…
My own experience is that every child I know that claimed to be transgender has also changed their mind, as children do.
The fact that they toss out around the word “groupthink” so freely while ensconced in a secret, private listserv where they happily jerk each other off about how great they are is pretty much the epitome of the problem.
Absolutely. If you can’t construct cover because you’re out of resources and you’re caught out in the open, that’s your own damn fault. I’m one of those “bad” players that doesn’t build often, instead using the terrain around me. Play smart.
Yeah what a stupid thing to say. Who is the bad player? The bad player or the guy who dies to the bad player?
“There are women out here in real life that do have these body types.”
Convince game companies to actually punish people for saying shit like this. Like zero tolerance policies. You do this even once perma-banned.
Where in the sweet fuck are these people when it comes to adapting media that isn’t European or even Western, or writing media about places that don’t fit that umbrella?
To some extent, yes. Okay, to a large extent.
I hate to say it but your right, they couldn’t even be bothered to moderate their own forums for over a year and only started doing a token effort after it became so big of an issue it started to hurt their playerbase aka money. I received pages worth of abuse and not once did a mod do anything.