This is literally, the stupidest idea I have ever heard of.
I understand the larger sentiment and point, correct. Eventually however, those struggling for equality would ideally be interested in bettering society in other ways as well. It seems piecemeal to me, to accept equality through suffering, instead of coupling it with other social reforms, though this is highly…
I wish equality wasn't conflated or entangled with success in the sense that success is succeeding in business. I understand this is only one aspect of the point here, but "business" and "success" are terrible aspirations during or after any supposed equality struggles.
I'mma let you finish, but Street Sk8ter 2 is the best Tony Hawk game in the world. In. The. World.
Indeedy-do. I apologize for relying on spell check after my chubby fingers hash out a rough draft. This is a wake up call for me.
With that said, I cannot even imagine what freakish Frankenstein would fit these personality proportions. I picture a man in a business suit with the sleeves ripped off to reveal a tribal tattoo, clutching a Glo Stick to his heaving breast. He is wearing a baseball hat with a sports logo on it over a lamé headband. He…
I am a guy, and I have never farted in front of a lady or a man. And I never will. Farts are gross.
Its all a big mess, I just didn't see anything worth responding too, but I suppose I can hop on board for the sake of smiting haters.
Grammar nazis efficacy has been mostly undone by spell checks ever-present dominance, but I shall endeavor to improve myself.
I suppose I am saying nothing, this happens so often it just looked pretty random and hateful to me, which I suppose I'm dulled to by its frequency!
You know, I mostly agree, I am just curious what separates this from how often disgusting attacks happen on social media. His sincerity, or resolve?
I still don't understand how it was ever a big anything.