Even a cursory glance at my reply would likely reveal that the idiot being referred to would be you, however I shall gladly endure your ire.
I don't generally speak for idiots, correct. The vast majority of rational, feeling, thinking human beings know exactly what idiots are bumbling on about.
It's not depressing that people feel the need to say anything they like, gross or crude or otherwise, it's that they're wrong, and willfully ignorant.
Hey now, maybe he gets to smoke cigarettes all day. That is manly.
I rather enjoy being branded anyway somebody wishes, so long as they first had to see me calling them out for being sexist/racist/bigoted. =)
It's amazing there are so many diets! And each one works for everybody!
Pictured: Two Trolls.
Person of Interest is the only marginally palatable show on CBS.
.."pulling out..."