X-Men Legacy is amazing and I can't wait to read more Spurrier.
X-Men Legacy is amazing and I can't wait to read more Spurrier.
Hopefully they all wear camo, at least then nobody will see them.
It was very touching to realize how much my younger sister cares about and respects me, upon opening her gift to me: A bottle of Bombay Sapphire East.
Key binds are for mouth-breathers, slackers, bad gamers, windbags, phonies, try-hards and the worst of the worst.
I always assumed Puffy and Mase were as bad as Pop-Rap could get.
While you're all sending your 'love' of particularly attractive men with red-hair, it might serve your sentiment better to remember that 'ginger' is most frequently used and perceived as a pejorative and not a term of endearment for many.