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False, this ain’t the Jobs and Woz days, this is the “let’s make things extra difficult so people have to buy more accessories” days. There isn’t anything apple has done lately that hasn’t been done by someone else first. No innovation since Jobs death.

In what context are you ‘administering’? I’ll tell you that Apple has a ton of potential pitfalls with say, Exchange, in comparison to Android. Apple phones for example have a habit of deleting items off of the server. Most of the Macs I come across in a professional environment are either running Parallels or are

Do they? I hadnt noticed. Cant wait til their car is only available in black, then white but the same car, then four colours. And then five years later a new black car is released, and all the old black, white, and coloured cars stop working.

Tell us, oh expert, what other insights into the marketing of discontinuous innovations with no factual data do you have to share?

That is false as hell. I’m not a fanboy either. I encourage you to administer a bunch of apple products.

This. There are not even hunting seasons or rules - they’re such a destructive menace, you can kill them however the hell you want.At night with night vision, explosives, machine guns - no one cares. For the city-dwellers - imagine if all the rats in your city grew to 300lbs with huge tusks (known as, and I’m not

So, McClaren is the new Porsche? Every one of their cars looks like the rest of their cars.

This is what happens whe MBAs run a business see also GM.

Yeah, Patrick has been doing some yoga this evening.

Sorry to be this guy, but the phrase is “buried the lede”.

Sooooooo.... How is this phone better than my S7 Edge??? I mean at least I don’t have to buy an adapter to use the never dead battery headphones (oh... That lightning charger is proprietary so Apple makes $$$ for every adapter anyone sells)...

That’s not saying much, since they’re the only team with a perfect 0-1 record.

Trainer: What’s your name?

But I already get a majority if not all of this stuff on Android products. They give me all that and a wonderful 3.5mm jack so I can get quality sound from my devices. Anyone with a decent ear will notice the difference between bluetooth and just straight plugging it in.

An iPhone is a terrible car work companion. I’ve almost exclusively used iPhones for the past 9 years and they all have one common trait: They don’t work in the cold.

For those wanting a TL;DR:

Wow, you guys are really trying to sell this shit.

‘Tis the season for Apple-flavored Kool-aid.

Yeah.... I would care if the depth of field aren’t possible with software on existing competing phones...