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They’re aring at the same time, not making the comparison would be literally not doing their jobs. This isn’t comparing TOS to TNG, this is comparing two shows of the same universe with wildly different takes that are both airing at the same time. It’s warranted.

It seems like even a 30-second google search would have been enough to inform the author of this article that using controllers as input devices for non-gaming applications isn’t new, even in the military — the US Navy has been doing this for over a decade.

Now, I wonder why Ian only saw this as a problem when Israel

This genuinely looks like shit wtf

This was a bad pitch. I know the rona has everyone locked in, but “Easy mode is Easy” is a sign you need to get out more.

Congratulations on the dumbest comment of the day.

What a stupid fucking take, particularly for a technology blog.

You’re assuming most coverages cover Arson.

You made a bad assumption.

You made a bad comment.

What an incredibly stupid thing to say.

There’s so many things wrong with this from so many different angles, but hey, if you’re not the kind of person that cares about response times, visual fidelity, or even having an acceptable refresh rate, more power to you.

Surprisingly, yes!

It feels like it covers 60 minutes of ground in 43 minutes, every week. And despite this, it doesn’t feel rushed.

The pilot was a bit hyperviolent for my tastes, but after the (still best so far) second episode, that’s seemed to have been toned down a bit.

who cares?

Ford is a bit of a special case with their two-class share system. Ford stock will pretty much always be worthless as long as the Ford Family controls the Class-A shares.

A better comparison would be GM, where most of your points still stand.

Android users: We need better permission management and controls! No hidden permissions!

Also android users: Google should just activate all the relevant permissions! Why do I have to be prompted one time ever to enable them?!

Give me a fucking break, dude.

Theeeeeere it is.

You’re an insurance salesmen. No wonder you don’t think anyone should ever be held accountable for their actions. It comes out of your pocket.

Take your trash takes somewhere else.

I’m glad that you’re the arbiter of what’s a fair judgement. How many years did you spend in law school?

You seem exceedingly enlightened on the subject.

I’ll take “moron on the internet doesn’t understand what punitive damages are” for 500, Alex.

This is a good reference.

Excellent landing, though.

Pretty shitty on Ferrari’s part, this.

Oh okay star wars fans will stop being fans because they made a thing you don’t like