The US military already does this, I can't remember on what, either on subs or aircraft carriers.
The US military already does this, I can't remember on what, either on subs or aircraft carriers.
That shape says upright only which is a big oof for me.
“Easy mode is too easy" sounds like the correct difficulty for an easy mode. It sounds like the issue is more with normal mode, at least a particular boss in normal mode.
He is such a dumb asshole, or acts like one sometimes anyway. I remember when he kept clumsily attempting to dunk on Jack Allison, it was so stupid. Like just over and over and over would not let it go.
Can we also talk about how good looking Jessie is!?
Yes, right, that’s the entire point the good sir FrankN.Stein was making. Republicans are outraged that their representatives are being challenged for their poor representation, while they won’t even comment on this vile assault.
Thanks for your contribution, it was very helpful.
Meanwhile, Republicans think it’s mean to confront them over their politics in restaurants.
So AJ Dualerio remains unemployable even at Bad Gawker.
Does car insurance typically cover arson?
He also bent the wipers and was hanging on the mirrors. Based on the reflections on the ground below the mirror, it looks like that glass broke too. Thats all of $2000 all day.
Tempered, specialized public-transit glass, removed and installed by Union labor? $2000 is a bargain.
You don’t have to only calculate the cost of the glass, you also have to figure in the costs to replace the bus in service, maybe tow the bus back to the shop and then actually take the time to install it.
our training as adjusters advocates for fighting for the rights of the insured in every case
Oh, well if you say so. I mean why would you insist there’s no bias in an industry you work in if it wasn’t so.
Fuck your insurance company. I hope they have to pay him a million bucks.
How did she do that though? Name changes are and have to be public record- is anyone suggesting she had a publicist leak these stories? This would absolutely get out to local press, and then national press. How is that her fault?
That is a very good question. I’m not comfortable dragging the kids of shitty people until they themselves have done something to deserve the dragging. You can’t choose your parents. Like Ivanka, Eric and Junior? Have a field day. Tiffany... eh, Barron? Nope.