

Speaking of all time favorite star trek episode. I really like the one on voyager where the planet was spinning way faster than normal and the voyager ship was stuck in its magnetic field or something. Creating earthquakes on the planet. From the planet, the ship was a brite star and the people worshipped it like a

i feel like the lumia 920/1020 (i’ve owned both) have better camera than the iphone 6. to my untrained eyes. images seems sharper and better photos in low light. as far as video recording, the audio on the lumia phones wins all the competition hands down. records perfect audio w/o sounding blurry. (clubs, concerts,

So you would like these criminals to continue doing what they are doing to others... gotcha...

What? No Tron lights? lolz

is that a kello kitty game??? hahaha

then would the webbing come out of his butt?

you might have astigmatism on one eye

Wasn’t expecting to see a bloody squirrel carcass as the front image. Not cool man. Not cool.

We should be able to see things for what and they are and accept it instead of being sheltered.

if i had to take a guess.

I do like that the vive has those 2 cameras or something that you can hang on the walls that will detect your movements. But at that price, I can’t afford it. Was barely able to afford the oculus already. hahaha. But yea, with FB handling oculus, the oculus should do better in the long run.

alright thanks. pre-ordered the oculus and was wondering if it was really worth it.

VR question.

in the event that the car breaks down before it’s pulled over. i’d like to be able to put the car in neutral and push it to the shoulder lane.

once the car breaks down... or runs out of gas/electricity, you can’t even pull over to the side. no steering wheel!!! just gotta wait for the tow truck.

Why is American internet so slow? According to a recent study by Ookla Speedtest, the U.S. ranks a shocking 31st in the world in terms of average download speeds. The leaders in the world are Hong Kong at 72.49 Mbps and Singapore on 58.84 Mbps.

reminds me of the inception city bending scene...

I’m not entirely sure what the big deal is getting an annual upgrade to a new phone