
with call spoofing, their numbers can be different after each call. 

I thought you meant...

tesla cars are NOT driverless cars. they are “ASSISTED” driverless cars. there’s a difference. tesla cars are NOT fully autonomous. the driver is still responsible for keeping HANDS ON THE WHEEL and paying attention to the road in case of any unexpected incidents and take over the car to steer clear of and troubles.

I think you’re missing the point. tesla cars are NOT driverless cars. they are “ASSISTED” driverless cars. there’s a difference. tesla cars are NOT fully autonomous. the driver is still responsible for keeping HANDS ON THE WHEEL and paying attention to the road in case of any unexpected incidents and take over the car

i guess there weren’t enough likes and shares for jesus to save this poor child...

ridiculous. I, for sure, will never buy a Nissan ever again.

i had the 920 and the 1020. LOVED the cameras and especially the video recordings because the sound recorded was awesome as well. if only MS stuck with the phones. i think they gave up too soon. i remember how crappy android was at the beginning too with little dev support. took android 5-6 yrs to start getting apps

i could be wrong but i think hate speech is illegal?

i say ryu should take on disciples because teaching others will also help you understand and consolidate what you know. and having disciples asking a lot of questions will also have the teacher thinking more about the answers and sometimes realize something and gain insight.  

instead of untighten, bend, tighten... they should make a mechanism that makes it so that it bends as you rotate something. clockwise/counterclockwise to bend in/out. would be so much more convenient. 

just for having krillin and the opponent choosing frieza, you lose krillin. that would be hilarious!!! hahaha

wouldn’t all consoles make more money with backward compatibility??? if they put up old games into the store, i’m sure lots of people would buy them since for nostalgia or games that they wanted to play but never got the chance. it’d be extra income for sure.

nice use of adding in another spoiler for your argument... lolz

i heard the people in the army are more disciplined. would it be better to have army veterans who have finished serving their time become cops after? they’re more trained and less trigger happy i think? thoughts anyone?

they can send the video to the cops later. the people behind the crash can help. and yea, stopping in california can get you killed. unless you were in the accident, it’s better to keep going. drivers in california are idiots and never pay attention. that why there’s accidents sometimes on the other freakin side of

1. info on trump
2. how fcc decided that we didn’t need net neutrality
3. all the shootings
4. shot of that crazy california fires

hopefully future studies will help find a way to alter it so that you can dim down the pain receptors but not fully turn it off. since having pain does help. just don’t need all the pain. hahaha

yup. you can hit something hard, break a bone that slices your inside up. might even rupture an artery or something and bleed from the inside w/o even knowing it.