
im one of those mutes. i just freeze up during accidents or close calls. don’t even hit the horns. it’s not that i don’t want to. my mind just goes blank. like a deer facing headlights.

i’ve been in 2 accidents and a few close calls and i don’t gasp or make noize when it happens. personally, i think the reason is because i freeze up. i don’t even hit the horn. it’s always after incidents or almost incidents that i think about why i didn’t hit the horn. i guess some people just freezes up and the mind

DEFINITELY don’t want on the streets driving!

u beat me to it!!! was thinking the exact same thing.

also... that’s a thin ass metel rod... nothing compared to buildings steel beam

can’t wait for apple to start doing this to their macbooks!!! so excited!!!

if a game made you fly in part 1 and then made you walk in part 2, you’d probably be frustrated as well. feels like they took a step back instead of forward.

agreed. but poor people don’t have the money for that big screen and sound system. without the money to afford such a theater experience at home, i don’t think the theaters will ever go out of business.

was speaking in general... hence “at end of long articles.” and yea... price was already at the beginning of this article...

can you put a TL;DR summery at the bottom?

“football team found to be at center of scandal”

agreed!!! i hate it so much when a young adult is let off the hook or given an easy sentence just because of their age! even though we made wrong decisions as a kid, we did know the difference between right and wrong. personally, i feel that there should be no age difference for crimes and that all criminals, young

i want to see a side by side comparison with this video in color and in black and white.

so cornrows is a no no then

you must be old... you start seeing that everythings been done over and over again... hardly ever anything new... listing to a song or watching a movie when you were young and then find out that that song/movie is a remake later on... remakes/reboots/crossovers... you start to get bored... that’s ok... all old ppl see

hmm... i remember watching this cartoon and i just remembered there was another cartoon i watched as a kid also that had a dinosaur playing the guitar. can’t remember it though.

if lucky... maybe the nano bots will just migrate through the intestines again and you’ll just shit it out w/o worrying about any surgery.

if it’s nano tech like what they show in scifi movies and tv series. then it’ll just deconstruct and reconstruct itself into a better version. just swallow more nano bots if needed. update the firmware/os or whatever and it’ll change and upgrade itself. no surgery needed. something like that will be a ways away.

damn!!! i was expecting that lemon head to spray his mouth white!!! hahaha

My voicemail says, “hang up and txt me”