
These ladies were probably the wrong people to deliver the message, but they do have a point. I literally can’t get my nieces and nephews any gift because whatever their hearts desire, mom and dad can get it to them via Amazon whenever they want. I’ve tried to get those kids thoughtful presents, but all I ever get is

To tide you over...

My fiancé’s special gift this year is tickets to see Rent. He’s gonna be so excited. It’s his favorite musical but he’s never seen it on the stage.

Neat! Thanks for sharing!

Anne Morgan was a goddamn badass who used her considerable fortune and social capital for good. She moved close to the front lines in France during World War I in order to run an extensive relief effort. She also supported striking garment factory workers from within the Women’s Trade Union League, bailing strikers

For many women in those days, booze wasn’t “fun” for them. There was severely rampant and brutal spousal abuse against women, oftentimes after their husbands consumed a large amount of alcohol. Their campaign against alcohol was more of a way for them to simply live. Through our 2016 eyes, it may seem like they

I collect Christmas stuff, mostly old ads and art. Here are a few period pieces related to this.

It’s not up to Margaret Cho to alleviate Tilda Swinton’s white guilt.

So you’re mad because she reached out to an Asian woman who has been vocal about the issue, (with the caveat that if Cho didn’t want to talk about it she didn’t have to) seeking knowledge to become a little less clueless, instead of googling?

I suck it up and explain. If a person came to me and asked me how I felt about Moana as a Samoan woman I would be ok with it. Sheesh.

I don’t think there’s a bad guy here either. I think cho’s feelings are valid and I think swinton’s are as well. They’re just coming at it with really different perspectives and experiences.

A few weeks ago, I sought out some help from the women in the “Saturday Night Social” to ask advice about buying gifts for my “adopted” family for Christmas, including three teen girls.

It’s not up to Margaret Cho to alleviate Tilda Swinton’s white guilt. It’s not her job.

It wouldn’t have. But since one of the key points in this shitstorm is the fact that Tilda “treated Cho like a house asian speaking for all asian people” I think it’s pretty important to note that Tilda literally said “hey if you don’t want to engage with me on this, no worries.”

Okay, consider the events from Tilda Swinton’s perspective....

That house Asian thing is particularly bullshit when Cho has put herself out there as a critic of Swinton getting the role. It’s like, “I speak for Asians when I say we’re upset at you.” “Can you explain why you think people are upset about this thing, so I can understand.” “This bitch thinks I speak for Asians, fuck

Don’t ignore your gut feeling. Several years ago, I dropped my daughter off at preschool and ran into the new summer teacher who I hadn’t met before. I instantly felt something was off about him. He made me uncomfortable. Turns out, he molested nearly all of the girls in the class that summer. One of the only reasons

Oof. I had a very similar experience with my ex. To make it all the more disturbing, he was also meeting people for anonymous sex while I was still breastfeeding our daughter. I had zero suspicions until he used my computer to arrange one of his meet-ups and didn’t sign out of his fucking hotmail.

Exactly. I divorced a man that I found out had been going on Craigslist having sex with strangers—both men and women—for our entire marriage. I had no idea at all. Not even an inkling. I definitely didn’t know he was bisexual, and I didn’t know he was cheating on me. I told someone about it once and they refused to

Stories like this are just so tragic, and depressingly common. People are so capable of hiding things that when loved ones find out the truth it’s devastating. Like, maybe they knew that their spouse had a bit of a problem turning off the internet at night before bed, but who would presume that that was because they