
Not that Michael Cera, this Michael Cera.

Being friends with your person’s exes is unnatural. I’m not even a jealous person, but if we’re happy as is, why invite potential drama.

Wait, this Michael Cera?

That’s interesting because I’m also totally cool with being friends with my girlfriend’s exes as long as they don’t contact me or her or look at me or her or exist on Earth.

i’m fine being pals with all of my wife’s long as i am better looking and more endowed than them.

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.


So is the problem that she’s a bitch? Or just White. What part made her a bitch exactly? Or are all women bitches? Or just White women. And by “I really can’t” can you clarify what you can’t do? Watch her stand up routines? Her show and movies? Let her live? What CAN’T YOU DO? Can you clarify your feelings? Because it

I feel like if you really want to live in a world where people are equal and respectful about race, you shouldn’t go around saying things like “a white bitch.” I just don’t know how that contributes positively at all. And I’m saying that as a non-white person.

Yes yes yes yes yes! I always tell people, “You want to avoid cultural appropriation? Do your homework. Respect the culture you’re depicting. Give back to them.” That is so important, and yet people miss it so often.

*eyeroll* don’t start with cultural appropriation. This is just a brand new pop song that everyone is enjoying at the moment. As much as I enjoy Beyoncé’s catchy songs, they are not precious art belonging to black people. It’s not the same as wearing a religious garb that you don’t understand the significance of. When

A bunch of readings of the words “in formation” say it’s both “get in formation” and “get information” so a double meaning.

It would’ve been nice if she admitted she fucked up, but instead she’s doubling down. And frankly, I’m really over her doing shit like this. I cringed when I saw the video because man did she really miss the point of the song.

Lack of self-awareness.

What I don’t really understand is if you’ve been dinged for this before why you wouldn’t say to yourself, “This might be one of my blind spots. I should fix that.” We all have blind spots, places where we’ve internalized some bullshit without realizing it, whether it’s race or gender or ethnicity or size or

This is my opinion but I’m a bit on the paranoid side but I get a vibe from her that she may be on the side of being racists or at least prejudice. I’ve seen on 2 occasions where she has ripped black men for what white men have done to her. First example was a black entertainment reporter who dared ask her about her

I don’t understand this line of thinking. So should we be back to segregation? It seems easier to deal with black only issues...leave blacks alone type of mentality here. I am black and not interested in this at all.

So white people cannot (or should not) be inspired by black music? So are re-segregating? Interesting view point

No one would still be talking about this if she had just said, “I didn’t get it. Now I do. I fucked up and I’m sorry.”

It gets really old when white women don’t understand or attempt to understand the meaning of certain songs written by people of color, or even any piece of clothing or accessories from other cultures like headdresses and bindis, yet they still claim they’re doing “respectful tributes” when they use them just for fun