“You’re ‘bout as cute as / An old coupon expired”
So this confirms Nicki started fuckin with Nas so he wouldn’t clear the sample for radio play, right?
I can’t focus on any of this because I still can’t get over the fact that Nicki Minaj compared herself to Aretha Franklin not once but at least twice. And implied that she has beat her at something. I am aghast. Anaconda and Bridge Over Troubled Water are not the same.
My biggest issue with Nicki Minaj is that she is “rhyming” words with the exact same words. That is not rhyming and it’s not clever or good. There are way more talented women rappers out there that don’t also act like they are God’s gift to rap.
hello. 29, lonely and friendless here. want to be friends?
You got a friend here if you want it, Meatpudding.
Jeez, Yellypants, dial it down a little. It’s not MatisyahuSerious’s fault that you were having a hard time navigating the (unchanged) site.
Uh, the dots are still there and you can dismiss and flag. Just move your cursor over to where the dots should be and they will magically appear.
She is insane and a murderer. Someone who would coax someone who expresses suicidal thoughts to actually GO FOR IT it insane. Someone who knew someone was committing suicide and said and did nothing is at least complicit.
Hello. 26, lonely and friendless here, have been most of my life. I couldn’t fathom asking someone to kill themselves. Goodbye.
I am a person who has struggled with mental illness (yay mood disorder) and been hospitalized for it just about 10 years ago. This story makes me sick to my stomach.
I want to give her 10 Mother of the Year Awards. What a phenomenal advocate for her daughter. Brava, Gianna Constand!
Call her “mom” while describing how he violated her daughter is so so bizarre.
Then he told her to put her daughter on the line, and Andrea Constand did pick up another telephone. He told Andrea Constand to tell her mother what had happened, but Andrea didn’t say anything. So Cosby started give his account, in very graphic detail, all while referring to Gianna Constand, she said, as “mom.”…
My nephew Washing Machine makes weird noises and is clearly unbalanced.
I think it’s the “machine” part. My cousin, Sex Machine, is also a scumbag.
Just FYI to those interested, both ABC & Freeform are going to be live streaming Ariana’s concert tomorrow.
I don’t think there could be a better way that Ariana handled the aftermath of this tragedy so far. My respect for her has shot up.