
That’s what Subway’s lawyers are going to argue. She’s basically saying “but for” Subway’s concealment of his proclivities, she wouldn’t have married him. That seems like a bit of a stretch to me.

Did the wife not have any inclination before this story broke?? Were their no red flags?? Not asking to blame, just very curious and frankly frightened that someone capable of this didn’t even raise red flags to his own spouse.

And that’s because they thought it was because their husband was flirting with that hussy. These are the same women who say Trump is just a great guy and it’s all locker room talk and what’s a little grope and I’m sure he’d stop if you asked him to.

I honestly think a lot of rich people outright get off on it. Like they think the rest of us are losers for not doing this.

There is a difference between “frugal” and refusing to pay what they owe.

If anybody ever did a study on hate crimes committed by conservatives compared to liberals I am sure the results would be pretty one sided.

They showed his face in a documentary for one of my AA film classes.

But don’t call them deplorables. That’s just rude.

Obviously, these comments about construction remind me of Donald Trump claiming that he didn’t pay some contractors because the work was poor quality. But then of course he opened the hotel or whatever with that work intact. I so wish those contractors would have repo’ed he work even if it meant doing more work for

Yup. My mom had stories of working at a pancake house in college that a lot of rich vacationing couples went to. Even if the guy tipped well (this was in the 70s) plenty of times his wife would double back and take the tip. This is why anyone in my family who eats out with her is required to give a really good tip at

They just want to make America great again! Like it was when white men could torture and murder black children with impunity.

Spoiler alert: these assholes are voting for Trump.

I always think of that scene in Repo Man where Harry Dean Stanton & Emilio Estevez repossess a Cadillac owned by a rich guy who’s using a public laundromat. “Fuckin millionaires — they never pay their bills!”

I had a paper route when I was a kid. There was one wealthy family on the route, one really poor guy (who literally lived in a tar paper shack), and the rest were regular working class/lower middle class people. Tar paper shack guy only got the paper once a week for the TV listings, and was my best tipper. The rich

Having spent almost a decade and a half in the construction industry, i can tell you no one works harder to get out of paying what they owe than the rich. I’m convinced many of them work harder at that than what they did to get rich in the first place. People in the middle class? Almost never a problem collecting a

Decades ago, I delivered food for a diner on 57th Street in midtown Manhattan. Most of my salary was tips. The best tippers were the hair stylists in the upscale salons, who also made most of their money on tips, and the secretaries/admins, who knew what it was like to work hard for an indecent wage. The worst tippers

I’d be shocked if he actually sued — he’d have to talk about his behavior under oath, and he’d open himself up to a lot more accusations. He’s just performing for his base and trying to intimidate his other victims so they’ll be too scared to come forward.

I enjoy how no one from his family ever admits to making any mistakes, nay blames others for the mistakes they themselves make. And then they threaten to sue. Lovely, lovely people.

An excellent meme

Sidepiece is both self-explanatory and gender neutral.