
Why don’t you take a moment to think about this callous and irrelevant remark?

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

More than the apartments, I’m more annoyed by the “quirky female character who eats a lot of greasy, fatty food but maintains perfect skin and stays slim” trope. She’s not shallow like those salad eating bitches, she just LOOKS like them.

Heh. Well, maybe? But as a former NYer (born and raised, my friend) I can tell you this - unless you’ve got a buttload of money or a family that has lived there since the 1960's and has lived in the same rent-controlled apartment for the last 48 years and will NEVER EVER EVER LEAVE, you’re going to have a hard time

Good. I hope she wins. There has also been what looks a lot like witness tampering in this case. The Richmond Police, who were also implicated, sent Celeste Guap to rehab. In Florida. Where she happened to be arrested for allegedly assaulting a staff member, making it really hard for the police to do anything about

Look Taylor may not have drowned a woman, I don’t know anything for certain, but she definitely did something and the fact that Congress hasn’t opened in an investigation in to the fact that she may have done something at some point just goes to show how corrupt the system is.

Some people are saying it. You’re not implying it but some people are saying it.

Is Kim joking with that “picture of us” line, or is that really her idea of taking a picture with a friend? Either way, I LOL’d.

I love Kim’s sense of humor.

Unrelated. Broke or not, you still have to go.

Somebody on a major bender of heavy duty drugs. He was dangerously high and drunk on Dr Phil, to the point that it looked like a life threatening addiction. I do think he had something to do with her death though.

Who the hell doesn’t show up when they are the defendant in a wrongful death suit?

I could have a rage stroke just hearing that. You are not to blame, and anyone okay with raping someone is a sick, sick individual.

Lotta predators out there. Definitely not your fault.

Taylor is a former pro hockey player and currently works at a financial firm.

You are not the one to blame.

Why do we do this to ourselves??? I’m having a severe allergic reaction... to myself

when i was 15 i called a boy “magnetic” in an email and the memory of it still makes me want to barf

It’s viscerally embarrassing to read. I suddenly feel ashamed of all the obviously, transparently performative emails I’ve written to smart boys in a desperate bid to get laid.