
Mutual bearding.

I’ve never been less attracted to Tom Hiddleston

“Try to hug her. Just try. Come on. Try really hard. And try to look happy. Come on, you’re an actor!”

I’m in Rome too right now! Tom and Taylor looked so cute at this authentic pizza place we were at. I know it’s an invasion of privacy...but I snapped a quick pic of Taylor! It’s crazy how REAL they are-just like us. And in love. Look at Taylor’s smile : )


I am a woman. I have a fantasy of being a little newspaper barker boy from the 1920's, wearing a jaunty hat and shouting “Papahs! Get ya papahs right heayah folks! Today’s headline is a real whoppah, see?”

This is the first and last time that Yoko Ono’s name is featured in a sentence that includes “all of your favorite major label musicians”.

Color me shocked that Taylor Swift™ would be party to such corporate whoredom.

It made my jaw drop, but my sang remained gratifyingly chaud.

And She COULD, VERY EASILY make a joke about eggs!

My favorite storied student simile is: “The boat glided across the lake just like a bowling ball wouldn’t.”

Much like South Park, Schumer fearlessly tackles taboo subjects like incest and bodily excretions, except she’s a person, not a cartoon.

Much like South Park, Schumer fearlessly tackles taboo subjects like incest and bodily excretions, except she’s a person, not a cartoon.

I love that Vogue considers Schumer’s totally unsurprising fondness for the New York Times to be a literary eccentricity requiring ethnographic contextualization:

hi Gross1, i’m a compulsive overeater, and an atheist, in recovery in oa (the food addict’s 12-step program) for 5 years, maintaining a 200 pound weight loss. for me, following the steps is predicated on my belief that there is some “higher power” at work in the world. (not that there is a “god” interceding in my

Also not a lot of people are comfortable with the spiritual overtones and the fact that you have to keep blaming yourself for your problem and alcohol is this all powerful deity that you are not able to resist. It does help and it is good, just not for everyone. I see a substance abuse counselor and that has worked

AA doesn’t keep someone sober, it offers support for someone that wants to be sober. The only person or thing that can keep someone sober is themselves.

Nothing “works” to keep someone sober. You work to be sober. There are tools that help. You know what doesn’t “work”? Not trying.