veronica lodge superfan

Don’t make fun of the guy who dresses my mom.

Great metaphor and great advice. I think the forgiveness includes forgiveness of self as I look back.

Now playing

I don’t know, man. My husband and son just returned from a ten day trip, and this experience has reaffirmed my introversion. I didn’t even turn on the tv while they were gone. I went to the movies by myself. I cooked for myself, or didn’t cook. I ate healthy. I exercised. I went into my classroom and organized some

We’re all very impressed that you don't know the names of any reality show cast members. I'm also so pleased that you lowered yourself to come here and share that with us. Honored, really.

I am a bit phobic about air travel. I’m the spazzy person who white knuckles the arm rest and goes into meditative breathing anytime the captain mentions it’s time to buckle up because we have some turbulence ahead. But twice now I have been seated next to the only person on the plane who was more afraid to fly than I

This clearly flies in the face of everything that Maxxism stands for. Hell you might as well just go to Lenins & things.

You and your calculator sure are doing the lord’s works here, Copernicus. Gosh, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt over 30ft, but 90ft?? BURN HER AT THE STAKE

more shots fired in this comment than from a damn tommy gun

Yep. A story about Pluto belongs in a celebrity gossip feature called Dirt Bag.

Thank you, Ms. Rowling! Also, please do not publish a manuscript thirty years from now, in which we find out Harry has grown old and intolerant of Muggles.

Howl into THAT abyss for a while, Natalie.

Also, “Nazi Pinterest” sounds like the premise for a great comedy skit.

How is it possible for a person to be this wrong

It’s just plain old Kesha now. No more $ since she got out if rehab. Also, Kesha is awesome.

Model, actress, entrepreneur.

How about “We do not discriminate on th basis of race” FIN

One that I and my fellow plus-sized ladies have heard way too fucking often: “you have such a pretty face.”

Thanks, DM me and I’ll give you my address so you can forward the extra $1,000 for each way every time I fly.