veronica lodge superfan

oh my god, i broke up with a boyfriend at 21 and it was EARTH-SHATTERING. i was destroyed. i felt so guilty about not being ~in love~ with him anymore. i drank a bottle of wine a night, slept with people who made me feel like garbage, and ended up in therapy.

and imagine being 20 and being publicly scrutinized. she may not be one of the biggest names in music right now, but she is big enough to get more hate from strangers than she deserves.

omg i have been wanting to get one for years... i’m so curious. how much does it cost? do you feel like your hair is damanged??

yeah, it really sucks!!! i spend a lot of time there already (my boyfriend and best friend live there) and scouting out apartments is so depressing. everything that i would want (older, leased by owner, etc) is getting bulldozed for high-rise condos. my ideal location is northeast—hyde park, mueller, etc—but even

that’s probably true, and i can’t speak to that experience since i teach in texas, but i do know that for me, at least, raises are basically nonexistent beyond a few hundred or maybe a thousand dollars a year. also, i work close to 10 hours every day, plus probably 5-7 on saturdays and sundays, so the pay per hour

wait really?! gurl let’s talk!!! i’m almost done with my first year teaching and while it’s one of the most frustrating and exhausting jobs i’ve ever had, it’s also my favorite and i can’t believe i put off my certification for so long.

they usually pay less than public!!! i’m job hunting right now and the salary difference is 10+k less than the ISD for some of the private schools. no thank yewwww


yuuuuup. i’m fortunate enough to work in one of the highest-paying districts in texas and lucked into a very cheap apartment a few years ago, but now i’m trying to move to austin (which has insanely inflated real estate [rent prices have doubled in the last 3 years]) and pays their teachers 10k less than dallas. so

love all of tom ford’s scents but esp that one. it’s so androgynous, i luuuuuv it

i know you’re looking for sweet, but philosophy’s “pure grace” is the lightest/cleanest-smelling perfume ever. i like to wear it on days that i’m feeling headache-prone because if i go for my gucci guilty or something then i’ll be hating myself within an hour.

i rocked my boyfriend’s world when i bought him a box. i think it had more of an impact on his life than our relationship has.

let the record show that as of 12:28 central standard time, the people headline has not been fixed.

i agree with you that he has gross behavior and that the behavior stems from the fact that those two should have never been together. i would have loved him with charlotte; seeing his rustic side vs. her WASPiness would have been great, and very “all that heaven allows” which i’m sure is one of charlotte’s favorite

is any celebrity obligated to make charity part of their personal brand, though? just because it’s a decision i would make doesn’t mean that it deserves a “fuck you”.

it takes approximately 1 second to google “kim kardashian charity”

totally agree on all points; sometimes it’s extremely cringe-worthy, but there are nuggets of goodness and forward-thinking scattered throughout, and if nothing else, it continues to be extremely entertaining. i think i need to watch the finale during my planning period today.

yes!!! steve is a really great character and aidan is annoying at times but overall my favorite of carrie’s boyfriends. carrie is literally the most stupid and obnoxious character at all times, and whom i only watch to make fun of her outrageous outfits (the computer store one is actually one of her least offensive;

harry is always my favorite male character. he’s so wonderful.

that part is emotional too! the whole episode is really great, including the lighter moments: