
Even though we live in a world where superhero movies dominate the box office and Marvel movies actually get good reviews, there is, I think, still a healthy level of genre prejudice in the critical community, and so “genre” movies - horror, comic book, sci-fi, what have you - tend to get more praise when they can

And for those who want to justify Rock, see what happens if he would lay claim to a Paul Bunyan project.

You are defending this mythical portrayal of John Henry like the white folks who are upset about Idris Elba possibly being up for the role of James Bond. 

I am in the same lightskinned boat, but I do not prefer to be so polemic or binary. It is stifling, if anything. 

These commenters are strictly gatekeeping who gets to be black. Like the kids in high school... article is really stretching for some clicks and got them riled up.

The legendary image of John Henry you have burned in your memory is just that—a legend, something that can be adapted throughout the ages. Whoever created the original animations was wildly successful in perpetuating that folk tale and image, as seen from the Scarlett Johansson/Zoe Saldana treatment the Rock is

Saying The Rock should not have the role because he isn’t black enough is also colorism.  

You are mad about how a legendary character is portrayed simply because you want that character portrayed the same as you have seen him in the past—and you can’t fathom why the white folk are big mad about Idris Ilba becoming their precious James Bond. Legends and fictional characters can adapt to the times. They are

On the contrary, my POV is more in line with the mixed politicians I mentioned above. I don’t mind having my own lane, and neither do they. No one attains power or influence by following everyone else. Your argument is based on the false idea that those in the middle cannot define their own way, and each luminary I

Yes, that would be the best possible choice to appeal to a black audience, but as I mentioned above, film is often an investment mechanism (See the slimy Steve Mnuchin), thus the reason racially ambiguous actors are used so frequently. Appearing to the widest audience secures the most dollars on their return, hence

There are literally zero teams, in baseball or any other major sport, that believe in and practice “analytics only.” That is a nonsense straw man beloved by people like Michael Kay who feel threatened by numbers they don’t understand. If the Yankees were “analytics only,” they would have hired a statistician to manage

Just once I’d love for a positive horror review to say “But what’s most effectively upsetting about Hill House is how scary it is”. But no, it’s always gotta be actually about “ the devastating sadness that lingers long after the ghosts retreat back into the darkness”. Which makes me think like most horror movies that

Politics is a world of smoke and mirrors not too different from that of acting. The former uses appearances to attain power, the latter fame and fortune. In the end, both careers are means to attain all the above. The realpolitik of the matter is mixed people can travel between worlds and define themselves however

You are decidedly unimaginative for unicorn royalty.

this is exactly correct. and even The Root has published a story on black men dating white women and chose to lambast Jordan Peele, who is HALF black. just like i am HALF black, and therefore cunts of either race choose to decide whatever race they think i fit in depending on their current agenda.

i’m repeatedly “not

Really hoping you are Cardi’s shoe that she walked out with, and not the one that was collected as evidence.

So, let me get my lightskint thoughts in order here. Barack is half black, and half white, yet is considered the first black president—and not one eyelash was batted. He chose to round up, as it were. As is his prerogative.

I will never forget “watching” San Andres and his character had a white ex-wife and a full on Caucasian child. Like lol okay.

On the plus side, John Henry is not being portrayed by Scarlett Johansson!

The scene where Rick rounds the corner on his horse, and ends up in the tank was some of the most compelling television I’ve ever seen.