
When I became a mom I went to a nurse-in at a local coffee shop (not any kind of protest or anything, welcomed with open arms by the owner and staff of the shop) and there was an open-mike situation where we could share our breastfeeding stories. The woman organizing it told us how her elderly grandmother asked to try

My mom used leashes on me and my two sisters, but we lived outside the US until I was 6, she said it was fairly common where we were. I tried with my kiddo when he was about 2 because we went to Disneyland about once a week (annual passes) and he has no fear of being lost. For him it was an experiment in centrifugal

I live in one of the most liberal cities in America (surrounded on all sides by racist back-country) and the Costco in my city is the only place I have ever seen a MAGA hat. I knew about the good pay/benefits but am very happy to hear that the turds who shop there are indirectly funding Democratic campaigns.

Ugh, I so agree. I know it’s statistically so so so safe, but if I do die in a roller coaster malfunction I will have gone doing something I don’t particularly like. What a stupid way to go. Plus if I go on any ride that goes upside down I have to spend the next ten minutes with a sprite and deep breathing exercises

I always figured he would come back, I just didn’t think it would be less than a year. I was a fan for such a long long time, I adore his comedy. But his whole thing is letting us into his life and seeing his dark thoughts, so if this return doesn’t include some serious public reflection of his actions and very

I have tickets to see both parts on Halloween with my three best friends and another friend from high school is in it. The four of us going have taken our Pottermore sorting tests and we represent all 4 houses, so we all bought robes and socks and wands and hair bows and whatever else we could find for our houses. I

Thank you for letting me know! I had heard this back in the early 2000's and didn’t know it had been debunked. 

Yes, right around the time Hilfiger said he wasn’t making clothes for black people. I think people conflated the two and she got more of the bad will than he did!

I had an abortion in my early 20's, and it was a decision I made together with my boyfriend at the time. Had push come to shove it was my decision, but that is not how healthy relationships operate.

I had to give permission to my husband’s doctor in OR for his vasectomy, although I am unsure if this is law or our family doctor’s policy. It felt like they didn’t want one person to be making reproductive decisions for the unit, or for it to be a secretive procedure. 

Both of these versions of Ethan Hawke are delicious

I’m in East PDX, just a few blocks from the Gresham line. My neighborhood is improving rapidly because people of color, particularly new Oregon residents, are moving in and white racists who are uncomfortable are leaving. Good riddance!

Yes. This is my district, Bynum is my elected representative. I have a lot of neighbors who are selling their houses to move further out of the metro area, claiming “the neighborhood is changing.” Yes, Nancy, POC are legally allowed to live wherever they want now, in stark contrast to Oregon’s history. Get the fuck

I’m on the fence. I have only heard the radio stuff by Florence, and this is an opening set in a huge stadium. Seriously regretting not seeing her when she opened for HAIM, so FOMO, but $100? Oof.

I am a bisexual woman in a hetero-presenting relationship I say presenting ‘cause we have a lot of pan fun, but we keep that behind closed doors). We’re married, we have a kid that I drive to soccer practice, the whole deal. When I started dating my now-husband I was dating a woman, and have had two relationships with

Romeo+Juliet playlist. I host bar trivia a few nights a week, and this is what I play. 90's female fantasticness with like two dude songs because I love the soundtrack to Baz Luhrman’s Romeo+Juliet.

I love Lizzo! I got to see her last year when she came through town and am considering if $100 ticket to see her open for Florence + The Machine is worth it!

I find the same problem with their “suggestions” that play after an album finishes. I am obsessed with this female rapper/singer/goddess Dessa, and frequently listen to her on Spotify. When an album is over spotify will play suggestions, and I’ve found some good ones there. They’ll play Lizzo and K.Flay and a few

Word! My mom had an abortion in the mid 70's and I had one in the mid 2000's. We both went on to have children we were financially and emotionally prepared to have, and were/are able to give them the best lives possible.

The most shocking thing to me is that she is only 54. I thought she was in her 50's during the whole Flavor of Love thing. Oof.