
I grew up in Long Beach, CA and a persistent rumor in my youth was that the little people who had worked on the production of Wizard of Oz specifically along with other “Hollywood” little people had created a whole town/village in the ‘30's and ‘40's specifically for little people to live in. Everything was scaled

I saw him on this tour and it was pretty much word for word what went into the special except for some crowd-work that I imagine is city specific. I’m in Portland so there were lots of jokes about SJW’s and wokeness. It was a good show with a lot of laughs, but it felt mean-spirited in a way his other specials (this

Anything east of 82nd

I love this! My husband and I have lived together for 13 years, but we lead very separate lives. We both go out a lot separately to movies, a concert, a hike, the gym, a beer, whatever! Other than a few bands (seriously, concerts are our lives) we have wildly different tastes so we just go to what interests us and

I attended a cousin’s wedding where they repeatedly referenced that they were also married to the Lord.

I thought Will Smith did a fine job, but the sound techs did him diiiiirty. With all the magical wizardry available to make his voice sound good, they just... didn’t. He was flat and atonal. I did like the “updates” with the beatboxing and incorporating elements of hip-hop into the dance scenes. 

When the show started no one south of the wall had seen a walker or the night king for a thousand years, and those south of the wall didn’t believe the few stories that trickled down from wildlings or rangers. They still had a Night’s Watch. A catch-all for thieves and bastards and royal cousins in the way, with a few

It is ridiculous that SL debt is treated differently than other types of debt. One (of many) reasons why I won’t be supporting Biden. Unless of course he gets the Dem nomination, then I am gung-ho. #anyonebuttrump2020

That is fucked up

I borrowed this money as a 32-year-old. I attended two years of community college and two years of a public university, and have ~30k in student debt. My household income is above the 100k mark, so if this comes to fruition I could possibly have some of my debt but not all of it written off. Of course I made the

In the course of my day job I saw a former presidential daughter’s w-9 form. There was a misspelled name. Hers. I wonder how many people that had to go through before I saw it. It’s a form you are supposed to fill out personally. Then give to your business manager, who gives it to an accountant to keep on file. Their

I’m also a hiker/backpacker in the PNW, and every. single. time. I’m out and about there are people with their unleashed dogs running around on trails that clearly say leash your dog. This is definitely my “pet” peeve, haha, and I have gotten just the worst things anyone has ever said out loud to me in response to me

This is like New York every spring. Hot steaming dog shits have been melting through the snow crust all winter, no one is going down there and digging it out. Come the first warm weekend, just rivers of shit on the sidewalks. 

Lizzo getting the attention she deserves is everything I want. I’m seeing her for the second time at the end of next month!!!!!

Totally. For the most part when the penis is out and about making public appearances it is hard, and the difference is even less noticeable then.

The circumcision “inconsistency” bothers me a bit. I have seen a lot of peen in my day (talking about IRL interaction, not porn or art). I live in North America, so I assume the majority of it was circumcised. Other than a 3 year relationship in my 20's and my current 13 year marriage, I could not tell you with any

I am 5'9", 220 pounds, and I wear a 16/18

You’re doing the lord’s work


I loved every second of being pregnant, I just don’t want another kid! One’s good, thanks. We always outnumber him, we take a row on an airplane, there is nowhere I can’t bring him, and we don’t need a special car.