
From what I’m reading, it’s “same city, same universe, previous games are canon, but new adventure set some time after the old games.”

This is a great example of the original intent of “the customer is always right.” If you think your model was great, and the customer basis violently rejects it... well, guess what? The customer is right, your model sucked.

It’s huge in Mexico, but for various reasons, Mexico doesn’t produce a ton of boxing talent in the higher weight classes, so the talent pool that Ruiz would have to compete with for a shot at the Olympics would be notably shallower than in the US.

Yeah, it’s pretty common for smaller countries or countries without significant traditions in a particular sport. Mexico obviously has a deep talent pool in boxing, but mostly at the low-to-mid weights, so there’s a chance for someone like Ruiz at the higher weight classes.

American citizen, but it’s not uncommon for people to represent the country their parents were from in the Olympics (particularly if they can’t make the team in the US - the amateur heavyweight talent pool is much shallower in Mexico than in the US.)

Yeah, general rule is that you can’t admit evidence of prior bad acts (or that “wow, this guy’s a total schmuck!”) unless it is relevant to the particular crime being charged, or establishes a pattern of behavior. Standard is “probative value outweighing prejudicial effect” - in other words, is the evidence more

This! “Two of our last three mayors have had to resign. We should look at how we vet and evaluate and cover potential candidates. What did we miss?” is a perfectly reasonable take. The fact that the mayors who resigned were black woman has nothing to do with anything, unless you inherently have a problem with black

Put aside, for a moment, the sheer incompetence it takes to drop a newborn baby. Put aside (as Nunna Yorz aptly described) the fact that minorities get treated worse in health care settings, which gives some context to the response they got.

It’s worked reasonably well for me, both on my desktop/laptop and streaming on my TV via an Amazon Fire Stick. Occasional choppiness, but that’s true for virtually all streaming.

Because he’s a shareholder, not an actual employee or a member of the board. That’s why Fox left - because there was no way to get rid of the person. He’s an investor in the private equity fund that owns the e-sports team - he has a say because he put (likely significant) money into the fund. Unless the fund’s

This. Critical part of the quoted article:

There’s a great story in HBO’s Golata/Bowe Legendary Nights documentary - earlier in his career, Golata was clearly beating a guy, but the guy was refusing to stay down. Frustrated, Golata bit him while they were in a clinch. He got docked a point, but went on to win the fight. Later, Golata’s trainer/manager asked

WWE stats are probably due to the fact that their audience demographic skews young, and is heavily black/Latino relative to the overall population.

“Too late, too slow, Mr. Bond. My plans are moving at the speed of light. That’s why they call me... Mr. Fahrenheit.”

Cauliflower ears. Common for boxers/wrestlers/etc who get their ears either hit a lot or grinded a lot.

Despite also being Green, Draymond fights with a distinct lack of honor.

Good question! Generally, in boxing, the standard for stopping the fight on a cut is when the blood is leaking into the fighter’s eye(s), impairing their vision to the point where they cannot intelligently defend themselves. In this case, because the cut was right in the center of the forehead, I think the ringside

Appreciate the context.

I wonder how many other people convicted of second degree murder in Illinois have gotten less than 7 years in prison.

Particularly egregious because Wilks was saddled with one of the worst rosters in football. They had by far the worst offense in football, with an injury-ravaged (and terrible) offensive line, one competent NFL receiver, and a rookie QB. And while their pass defense was solid, their run defense was among the worst in