Which is harder, reading an NFL defense or hitting a MLB breaking ball?
Which is harder, reading an NFL defense or hitting a MLB breaking ball?
As a wise man once said, can’t turn chicken shit into chicken salad.
He really wasn’t. By Football Outsiders, he was the 26th ranked QB in 2015, the year before Gase got there. (In fairness, he was 12th in 2014, but was 26th in 2013.) So he had a total of one year as an above-average QB, and has been a bottom-tier QB every other year he’s been in the NFL.
Okay, I really don’t like this move, but as part of the inevitable process of talking myself into this in order to set myself up for the inevitable crushing disappointment that I really should know better about by now, let me play devil’s advocate for a sec: I think you’re underestimating how little Gase had to work…
It’s DC. The only significant non-Democratic politician is the at-large City Council seat that is, by law, reserved for a non-Democrat. (And it has always gone to a left-leaning (to various degrees) Independant who would otherwise be a Democrat.)
DC Ward 2 resident here (for just over a decade). Evans hasn’t faced a credible challenge in the Democratic primaries in years (I’ve looked back to 2002), and there’s no competition in the general elections here in DC. So the answer to “why does he keep getting reelected” is “nobody is willing to run against a guy…
I write a semi-regular fanpost series on the SBNation boxing blog, BadLeftHook, tracking bad boxing judges. I don’t expect to be compensated, because it’s a fanpost; there’s no advertising, and it’s not on the main blogroll. It’s just something to engage with the community there, and to work out my frustration at all…
Most of my people, coming out of the horrors of the Holocaust, took away the lesson of “Never Again.”
Dammit, beat me to it by a minute! Nice pun.
Well that escalated quickly.
Well, he hasn’t violated #3, and he seems to REALLY care about #4.
Just five days—and two of those days were weekend days—after her appointment as interim president and CEO of USA Gymnastics was announce...
Cripes, he posted that his doctors were optimistic on October 1st, and two weeks later he passes away. Either he was putting on a brave public face, or something really screwy happened.
He’s coming off a foot injury, which probably meant he couldn’t do much cardio, and it was the end of the game on a fairly hot and hellishly humid day. Understandable he’d be gassed towards the end. (Doesn’t make it any less funny, though, even as a Jets fan.)
I get the point you’re making, but I don’t think he should get much credit for not being a complete schmuck and actively screwing over a kid. That’s a low bar.
Obviously feel awful for Lawrence, and I hope his injury is minor and that he returns quickly.
It’s sort of a shame that the incumbents that have been successfully primaried by progressives this cycle have mostly been strongly liberal/progressive themselves. That said, it’s hard to argue that getting younger, more energetic, more diverse voices in the party isn’t good for Democrats (and for the country)…
Worth reading the findings (starting on page 6) if you have the time - it’s a clinical recounting, but absolutely brutal.
Alignment makes sense, but I’m not sure about that divisional one-game playoff thing. Not fair if one team wins the division by 10 games, and then has to win a one-game playoff to advance. Look at last year:
If they go to 4 four-team divisions, one possible way of making it work while still preserving the wild card: