
Is it just me or is every single change to this game made specifically to get people to spend money in the real money auction house?

I played Diablo 2 and Starcraft long ago, but never played WoW. I got SCII on launch day and loved it, but Diablo 3 is the first time I have had to submit a bug report to Blizzard. I bought a pair of boots from the AH for 650k only to find that one of the stats on the boots is broken.

I never realized that Kotaku was full of people so obsessed with growing up until this thread. I guess I always assumed a bunch of gamers on the internet could have a sense of humor.

But if you penalize a person using a racist slur against their own race, then you are racist!

I hope immaturity never ends...

Experiment time!

Man I should have been a doctor back then...

I just thought it would be nice to hear that someone understood that you were referencing an Einstein quote.

Yeah and Pluto isn't a planet anymore. Facts ruin fun, so it is a fact that facts must be ignored.

I have been looking forward to this movie for years.

"-The tech industry is but a fraction of all patent suits "

1. Apple has copied Google and Android quite a bit as well.

Oops! Thanks for correcting me!

If something used to listen to audio can't hit certain notes (like Bose, no highs and no lows) then yes, you can say they are not good.

I'd like to hear what you have to say if you disagree with me. I do care about facts and if I said something wrong, I'd like to know.

If I was young again, I would give my girlfriend the wrong password, then when she said "Your password didn't work," I would say "WHY WERE YOU LOGGING IN TO MY ACCOUNT?! DON'T YOU TRUST ME?!?!"


"The online theft of American intellectual property is no different than the theft of products from a store. It is illegal and the law should be enforced both in the store and online."

You're so ballin'

Android runs smooth on a 1GHz dual-core flawlessly. As the article points out, the thing slowing it down is the manufacturer skin. Android is free and open source. Manufacturers can use it how they want. If they want to skin it and take longer to get updates out, the market can decide not to buy their phones. I