
I live in the Pacific Northwest about a mile east of I5 and I have been told my whole life that there is a big earthquake coming. It’s not like the paper made this thing up. It is going to hit eventually and being prepared seems like a good idea.

How is there any possible way they are in a ring shape after passing half way through a body? I just can't believe that other magnets would not have touched each other at any point.

Can this thing make it over any terrain that a hummer cannot?

Switching to third-person would make the game like Smite. Smite is a fantastic game, but you can use the third-person camera to look around corners without being seen yourself. If they made the option to switch between first-person and third-person in Battleborn, it would become a requirement to switch during the game

We started with Far Cry 3 because at Ubisoft, we start big, and go bigger. *cuts to Just Dance 20-whatever*

You must have played a different game than me... I seem to remember raiding quite a few tombs in Tomb Raider. And I completed puzzles in each of those tombs. Maybe you were actually playing a different game?

Every MMO ever. Every MOBA ever.

I use my Chromecast more than any other device in my house, for the record. I bought one on launch day and another a couple of months ago. It has the best and most intuitive interface of any streaming device and it's a third the price of any other.

The problem with that is that I don't want a Roku, and I do want a Chromecast. Where did you read that google blocked amazon on chromecast? The last thing I read, Google had released the api for it and let anyone, including plex for pirated shows, use chromecast.

It makes no sense. At least with Chromecast, we have to open the Amazon app on our phones and see what they have to offer for sale...

Still no Chromecast support. So sad.

Is it casual because you don't have to return to base every 5 minutes to buy gear? Because buying the same exact gear for your character every game is difficult?

What's a toxin?

Meh, if you don't want to take the chance of having to call a cab in the extremely unlikely chance you will have to drive, then don't drink and have your car drive for you. All I'm saying is that it's possible to have this work safely.

Do you think some of the games on that wiki page are fake? Are you a college professor and is the guy who linked it your student?

I got drunk and played Griffball against Rooster Teeth one year

Going more than 20mph on those tires would be terrifying.

Can't you just like... not use your real name?

Maybe the seller was really wishing he had something to read, and now he has been provided with great plays free of charge.

This is piracy! It's like sending links the man free .mp3s!