
I have the current market app. The Windows Phone-like dark tiled market. I haven't actually tried playing a movie, but I see them there. I'm just running Cyanogenmod. Perhaps they found a workaround?

If you ARE Apple, you should stop with the iNames.

I see movies in the market on my rooted phone. I haven't tried actually watching one though, because netflix.

derk er jerbs!

I've added "lads" to my list of words not safe for use on the internet alongside "whippersnappers" and "hooligans"

That's what I mean, I feel like a lot of computers default to and you know there are some people out there who search for google.

Honestly, I think the squirrelturtlebird is awesome.

I'm surprised isn't in the list.

I was trying to smuggle some Coke but I thought they meant the soda and then my butt cheeks popped from the carbonation and I got it all over my pants.

To make it easier on everyone, here is the full list of email addresses. It only takes a few seconds to write a nice email, copy this list, paste it in to gmail, and send to all at once.

They just got a very angry email from a disgruntled me. Oops.

Or a group of young, free-internet loving, Fauxian lads leading the charge.

Some of these look extremely impossible to move.

Shaking your phone?


Dude you are like a celebrity. Will you sign my buttcheek?

Do I know how to use it? Of course I know how to use it. Don't uh. Hey where's the um... how do I make it do the thing... the... the... the thing where everything gets closer, everything gets closer and bigger? How do I do the closer... bigger thing... with it? Zoom. Yeah that's it. Zoom. Whitcha oh are you saying


Halo won't be dying any time soon. Especially a new series with Master Chief. Halo may not have the most current of multiplayer, but it's got a ton of followers who love it for the stories it tells. I play firefight sometimes here and there, but never really play multiplayer like I used to. Call of Duty and Brink

Not sure you understand how huge and gorgeous this game is. This is no co-op Mass Effect. Even just running around outside in the courtyard at Coruscant continues to blow my mind with it's size.