
Protesting GE because the government let them get away with that seems silly to me. People need to stop blocking our roads and wasting taxpayer money and start blaming the government and their prophet Obama.

47% pay no income tax and 14% pay no income or payroll taxes. I give over 25% of the money I make to these people. And I don't even make very much. Demanding that the top 1% that pays 40% of all taxes pay more is just fucking idiotic. Wanting to live off of other people's hard work is equally idiotic. And you are

"In addition the resources these large corporations use are our fucking resources. our streets, our subsidized electrical grid, our subsidized phone network. We paid for all this shit so some asshole could charge use 99 bucks for a fucking cell phone plan and pay the workers that maintain it $11 an hour while he gets

So why protest the companies and not the shitty government that let them get away with it, and who take their bribes and donations for votes in their favor? Instead of trying to get the rich people to change (trust me, they don't give a shit what you think), wouldn't it be more effective to force the government to

What exactly am I paying $30/month for? Because last I checked, even with heavy usage I've never hit any kind of cap. The same is not true on my Xoom, however, where I am charged extra if I go over 1GB.

I have my unlimited data on Verizon still, and my Xoom is on Verizon, but even Sprint has tiered data for tablets, right?

This means absolutely nothing until carriers get their heads out of their asses and stop capping/tiering/choking data. When I could pay $30 a month for as much data as I wanted, this may have been something I would enjoy. Since I now pay $20 for 1GB of data, this is something I will literally NEVER use. Shame.

So if Ford patented the door handle, how would competitors have their doors open? If Chevy patented the steering wheel, how would competitors steer their cars?

You mean websites see Android and don't differentiate phones from tablets like it does with iOS, right? Because the company that made my device isn't to blame.

I wouldn't know. I have used Dolphin since the day I got my tablet.

Tablets that identify themselves as desktops to get full sites instead of shitty mobile sites (I'm looking at you, Gawker) would not be counted in these statistics, correct?

A. Xoom

Facebook's news feed is absolute trash now. I want to see all of my posts in fucking chronological order. Not the order you deem to be best. When someone says "Ignore my last post, blah blah blah" and that post is below their last post, I don't see it until after I've already not ignored it. If that isn't the case, I

Hey guys, I'm an Apple fan boy. These guys aren't doing anything wrong. They deserve to win these lawsuits if their patents are being infringed upon. This is the way true innovation occurs. Other companies like Microsoft and Cisco can't innovate, they just have to copy this company's innovation and steal the ideas

Holy crappy menu system batman. How has Microsoft not learned that there are other ways to control with Kinect than holding a hand up and slowly moving it to the place you want? Your Shape: Fitness Evolved had an excellent menu system and it was a launch title. Fruit Ninja's system is fantastic.

Did you spend the time and energy changing your background picture? Or did you just leave it as it came stock?

Apple finally started allowing people to use their own backgrounds right? Or is it only the grey/blue water drop one I see on every iPhone ever? Meanwhile I've made my own custom dock, got awesome widgets for free, new icons, screen transition animations, screen on/off animations, app launch animations, live wallpaper

Or you get vague patents on technology that other people were using before you and then sue them.

If you raise the coals up to just under the grates, you can hit like 800 I think.

And hippo assholes taste bad. I know from experience.