
You are incorrectly assuming that the only thing smokers are addicted to is the nicotine.

Exactly this.

Exactly, like the white iphone. Except real.

Too MUCH pointless comments.

How do you know it's sunken? Maybe it's just sitting down there... waiting.

Meanwhile, Julia Roberts photoshopped face is banned.

Are you sure you know what GAP insurance is?

It sounds like the robots are told a formation they needed to be in, but none of them were told which piece of that formation they would be. Since they don't communicate with each other, they had to see where the other robots were going to figure out which position they should be in each formation.

I've always been curious how my constantly changing amount of facial hair, depending on laziness, would affect something like this.

Why so much anger over a legal protest?

I got a pink notice from the Post Office that a package headed my way had underpaid postage of around $5. Some places I know they will put an envelope in your mailbox which you can put cash in to pay the postage to receive your package. Not where I live. Where I live, you have to drive to the Post Office during the


I went through the exact same thought process as well.

"You can't deny that the market is oversaturated with first person shooters. People get sick and tired of it and I'm just here to voice my opinion on the matter. "

I got a set of 4 stainless straws on amazon for $10, and having lines on the bend was a requirement for my purchase.

My mistake, I misunderstood your post.

Score! Now if only I had unlimited data :(

Also this new software fixes the privacy issue completely, so it isn't really an issue any more.

I really love it when people say "I THINK blah blah blah" showing that it's an opinion and then they would choose to force that opinion on other people. That shows that you genuinely care that people disagree with you, seriously.