If I had to guess, I'd say he was joking because he quoted Portal 2.
If I had to guess, I'd say he was joking because he quoted Portal 2.
I have no idea which of your responses was directed at me (thanks giz!) so I will just say this: I would not yell at someone for using their phone in a theater. I don't like the idea of distracting even more people. It isn't the flashing of lights that bugs me, though. Not in the slightest.
Now that every hillbilly woman has her ears pierced, do you still think ear piercings are cool?
I usually go to the movie theater to see the movie that I'm going to see at the movie theater where they play the movies for people to see.
What if your parents are both in critical condition at a hospital for 6 months straight and you want to go to see a movie to get a break from the constant stress and depression that's tearing your family apart but you still have to check your phone to see who is texting or calling because it could be the doctors with…
What's worse; one guy yelling once during one movie, or one guy texting multiple times through every movie he goes to for the next 100 years without ever knowing that it was annoying people around him?
I'm glad I helped those numbers out buying a video card for my computer. I played Battlefield BC2 like 4 times on that computer, too! A little Counterstrike: Source for good time's sake, too. Meanwhile, on my xbox, and PS3, I played about 7,000,000 games between them. My Wii almost got plugged in once but then I…
I think Microsoft realizes that no one cares about PC Gaming any more.
Considering the fact that I discussed fist-fighting brown-bears in my post, I have a feeling that you took it a little too seriously. No need to get offended, dude. I'm just fucking around.
I seriously doubt the younger generation will latch on to this game. The younger generation isn't a generation of Steve McQueen. It's not a generation of Clint Eastwood and Sean Connery. It isn't a generation of men. It's a generation of pale girls like Edward Cullen who certainly will never be able to protect their…
I seriously doubt the younger generation will latch on. The younger generation isn't a generation of Steve McQueen. It's not a generation of Clint Eastwood and Sean Connery. It isn't a generation of men. It's a generation of pale girls like Edward Cullen who certainly will never be able to protect their family from…
Poop-filled diapers at 3am sounds like a worse side-effect than any of the side-effects listed on my ADHD and depression meds! Actually, maybe that's what they were talking about when they listed "loose stool" and "loss of control over bowels"...?
Yes, I should not be happy because of my depression and should not be ale to keep a good job because of my ADHD because drugs which have been around for years and years could possibly minimally affect a child I may or may not have some day. I certainly won't be having a child if I'm depressed and poor.
Wouldn't they just build all of their warehouses in Oregon, Montana, Alaska, New Hampshire, and Delaware, where no sales tax exists?
Like I care if random people have my address in a list with 1,000,000 other people. My passwords were stolen with the Gawker hack, I had to change all of my passwords for literally every online account, and I had a PSN account, so I had to change my password there. Really though, what's going to happen to someone if…
Thanks, Oregon, for being you.
Yeah, it sucks that they are punishing everyone for Sony's shortcomings, I agree with the 29382 people that said that before me.
Or for anyone on /b/
Because waiting 10 minutes for the gas station attendant to finish his cigarette and conversation with other smoking gas station attendant for them to come spill gas on your paint is awesome?