Does engadget make fun of apple more? I'm there dude!
Does engadget make fun of apple more? I'm there dude!
Alternatively, when a boss is walking by: sdl;fkjlkjdflkakdfj;lskjf;lkjsdfksjfljskfls;jkfaslkdjfslkfklsdkfsjl;kasjfk
I totally agree. I like the grid, and it works well for my phone where there isn't as much space. On my Xoom, I have enough space for Circle Launcher. I see my wife with her Xoom and she's got 5 different homescreens with a bunch of apps, widgets, etc on them. My Xoom just has one homescreen. I tap an icon, for…
On my Xoom I use a circle launcher. I touch an icon of my choosing and a list of app icons comes up in a ring in the middle of the screen. I only use one home screen this way and I can access anything faster than I can on my phone, which uses more of a grid setup.
Hah! Good point.
This was just a rough estimate. I remember when Google said they were doing 200,000 phones a day, and I remember doing the math on Apple's iPhone 4 launch month sales, and their sales for that month worked out to less than 200,000 phones per day. I assume that their average month is much worse as far as sales go than…
I agree with this. I'm actually a little disappointed that giz included Adfree in this list without mentioning the fact that it steals the money from the developers that they use to make their apps awesome and free. I have been rooted for a long time and still refuse to use Adfree. I understand why people use it and I…
It may be ugly, but it's powerful and necessary. It's also extremely easy and delightful to use.
AdMob = Google.
I mentioned that in my article. I have a few people blocked because they were annoying with their posts. Some of the people I actually care about post pictures of their kids every 15 seconds, 27 hours a day, 9 days a week. It would be nice if I could read their posts, but not see the same picture of their kid taking…
Y U NO XOOM Netflix?! It's not like that is the flagship Honeycomb device right now or anything!
They do charge for Google Apps on Android. Market, Maps, etc are not open-source and companies who want those things on their devices have to pay for them.
Also, kudos to Joe Brown for posting this, as I'm sure he will get an onslaught of people calling him heartless. You have said the things I have wanted to say for a long time.
I should also mention that the option of un-friending these people is not possible, because they would send me an email along the lines of "I thOUgHt We wErE FrIeNDs! WhY dO Y0u H8 me?" and then spread rumors that my balls are made of cheese curds, and since I'm such a nice guy (lol) I wouldn't be able to say "I don't…
The baby thing gets to me more than anything. Yes, I get it, your child looks like a lizard. Why is it your profile picture?
Tell that to the giant hole in my back pocket that my wallet created and is now trying to climb out of. I'd be beyond thrilled if instead of carrying around a wallet packed with crap from all corners of the world, I could just unlock my phone and use that each of the 0.2 times per day when I actually need to access my…
Because something has to make up for less secure manner in which I keep my phone than my cards.
Not display images?
To be fair, I have some friends like that, but that is also exactly the kind of attitude that I see constantly around here. It's like console gamers aren't allowed to discuss games if they aren't playing them on a PC.