
@schunniky: Try telling them in detail why your lamb is so delicious. When they start trying to beat you, sue their corporation, they have no money, and we all win.

First feathers and now vegetables? Why would you crush my childhood dreams, guys?

@schunniky: You should set up booby-traps around your table. That would piss me off.

@bboston88: I live in Portland, man. Cyclists are everywhere and maybe 10% actually follow any of the rules. Our city spends a ridiculous amount of money on cyclists in the name of looking "Green". I forget that most cities aren't like Portland sometimes and it's really easy to "generalize" when the vast majority of a

@blash: I get tickets for that.

@mrm: I agree. All I'm saying is that you are at least alerted about what info you are giving to each developer. If you download a flashlight app and it requires access to your contacts and your internet connection, you may want to reconsider. On other phones, you have no idea what these developers have access to. You

Thanks Android. For telling me exactly which parts of my phone every app I install is requesting access to before I can install it so that I can decide if I want to give it to them or not. I appreciate the fact that you don't hide this information and pretend that I am as safe as safe can be. I appreciate you.

Dear bicyclists,

@blash: So if I drive slow and block lanes, I can see intersections for just as long as you can. Can I blow stop-signs and red lights? What about when I'm stuck behind a cyclist and they blow through the signs/lights? Obviously I've had just as much time to look both ways as you have if we're going the same speed.

@Tweeks: 10-15 at 10-points each = 100-150! At best, I can get 30-50 points in one hit here in Portland. You should be excited to have the ability to nearly hit your quota for the day in one swerve!

@Valkyrie607 of the lady-ghetto: Different physics? Explain, please. I keep seeing you saying that an I'm just curious. Do you somehow have the ability to look every direction at once? I bet I can go from 25-0 just as fast as you on your bike and I'm guessing I can go 0-25 about 5,000 times faster than you can. I have

@bboston88: Is it really worth looking arrogant all because you don't feel like obeying the laws and stopping when you are told to stop? All because it would take an extra 10 seconds to get to the other side of an intersection?

@Valkyrie607 of the lady-ghetto: The rational, safe alternative is to stop at stop signs because the law and your safety require it, but of course !stop at stop signs! there's so much outrage among cyclists that you'd think it was the end of the world.

@trekie86: I ride a motorcycle. There are no barriers between me and a car. I still stop at stop signs. Probably for more time than I do when I'm in my car. Being on the roads without a cage around you is a risk you take, and cars shouldn't have to deal with unpredictable cyclists who don't feel like stopping. If you

@LastAndLeast: I can see if other cars are coming before I get to an intersection and I drive a car/motorcycle. You cool with me not stopping as well? How about you getting a ticket for not stopping for 3 seconds to look each way while I drive on through?

@FenixOK: Trust me, when they put bike lanes in, nothing will improve. They just waste money and the ding-dongs still ride in the street and get pissed when someone goes around them. Someone really needs to acknowledge that there are, in fact, significant differences between the physics of cycling and the physics of

@Valkyrie607 of the lady-ghetto: How, exactly is is safer for you to go through an intersection when you have a red light than it is for me in my much faster car, or even my motorcycle? People on foot can't legally walk when they don't have a walk signal. What makes you so much more special?