
"It's notable that the Google denial says very specifically that Google has not had discussions about paying for carriage of Google and YouTube. But that doesn't mean they haven't spoken with Verizon about creating a framework that would undermine net neutrality generally. "

@noamjamski: So it's a better idea to NOT shoot a gun in a plane and just let them crash it intentionally in to buildings holding thousands of people?

@Mark 2000: So go get it. You are free to do so. Rewarding mediocrity is not the answer.

@bearslayer: I have eeebuntu, and so far have not been able to get it to see my Drobo. I would absolutely love to ditch XP and switch completely to eeebuntu or Jolicloud, but if I can't access all of my files (Terabytes of video, music, etc) then I just can't do it yet :(

@MayorBloomberg: Because more people use the apps so there are more people seeing adds so there are more people giving the app creators money, perhaps?

@noamjamski: Thanks for posting the quote so that I didn't have to.

@geekymitch: I would have loved to see them try to hijack the plane with box cutters had our personal freedom to carry a gun not already been stripped of us and half of the people on-board were carrying.

@sid9221: I don't care who sees me naked in the slightest. I just like for it to be by my own choosing.

@FriedPeeps: You are missing the point. It isn't what YOU can't do, but about the company itself and the things it won't let OTHER PEOPLE do. Everyone only ever thinks about themselves.

@FriedPeeps: I used to have an iPhone. I paid to break my contract because I had morals and couldn't get behind Apple. I didn't want a porn app. I don't have a porn app on my new Android phone. What drove me away was the thought of a giant company controlling what I do with something that I bought and own. I couldn't

@Danny Sullivan: Couldn't agree more. People need to get a grip on reality. If Jason had said "haha cancer!!!111" then you would all have a right to get upset. But he didn't. He said "haha lazy people!!!111" and maybe it's just because I really enjoy making fun of lazy people for being lazy, but there is nothing wrong

Giz, what exactly is evil about this again? Is teaming up with our government bad now?

@NuevoLeon: Look through some Apple ads and you will find a hipster overload.

@Bella_Bellini: I haven't seen a blue screen of death in many years. AND I had a brief Vista affair. I SAID BRIEF! And I used protection.

@Bella_Bellini: Apple hasn't made a superior product in years.

I thought the "cool" thing to do was root for the underdog. That's why Apple used to be so cool. Now that they are an industry leader, they are mainstream, and all of the hipsters should be looking elsewhere for a phone. What in the hell is happening to this world when the hipsters like and support the big evil

@schall129: I would never put it past Apple fans to take one punch to the face after another from Steve Jobs and remain loyal the entire time.