
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: My battery lasts me just as long as my iPhone battery did. But then my iPhone was jailbroken the day that I realized Jobs is a douche and I had to fight my way around his censorship.

@That Guy: I disagree, but maybe that's just because I'm used to the Android Market where porn IS allowed, yet I don't think I've seen one porn app so far. I'm sure I would if I searched it, but I don't, so I see the content I want to see.

@NuevoLeon: Sorry if I phrased that wrong. If Apple is the only company that can sell well because developers are forced in to picking them over competition, they have no reason to innovate their devices. Without strong competition from Firefox, Internet Explorer would still be a piece of shit (poop, if your iPhone

@NuevoLeon: As for everything being better on the app store;

@NuevoLeon: That developers could very easily create one app for multiple platforms by using open developing software but are instead forced in to using Apple's proprietary developing tools is the reason that many developers have to spend double the time and money to develop an application for multiple markets. The

-Invisible Floors: $200/flight.

@NuevoLeon: The advantage at the expense of consumers and app developers, yeah. Way to go Apple, you have officially screwed the brains out of everyone but yourself.

@Your_Real_Father: You mean the flat $25 fee for Android, not the $99 yearly fee for Apple? I could literally put a picture of a turd in the market and charge $1 for it and make my $25 back. That being said, Apps in the Market have a "donate" option. They have the free version, which is full featured, and the "donate"

@schunniky: That's weird. Last I checked, I couldn't play Bad Company 2 on my Pentium 4 with 1GB RAM, and for some reason, the iPhone 3g can't multitask and half of the apps in the app store are for 3GS/4 only, some are for iPad only, etc. My XBOX can't play my xbox 360 games, nor can my PS1 or PS2 play PS3 games. I

@Hlaode: Actually, yeah. That's a really good idea. Thanks!

"You're advice might make a fellow reader's office all the more bearable."

A bunch of friends and I build a 5' x 100' slip-n-slide every year on the beach using the same type of plastic. We get buckets of ocean water and throw them on the slide, on top of a ton of Dollar Tree baby shampoo (easy on the eyes, tried dish soap one year... no good)

Come on Apple fanboys. You're really stretching now. Just take a one-point loss to your device from the heavens and go on with the day.

Um, Android will let you set the default action for plugging in your phone. Set the default as "Disk Drive" and your phone and SD card will both be mounted every time you plug your phone in.

@wardjj: Luckily the Android owners can download the "Make awesome videos!!!!!1111111uno" app and fix this problem. The app was rejected from the Apple App Store.

@Mr. Bean: I use Chrome because it takes up less space on my screen, and also because I can start typing a url and it will autofill, I don't have to hit the down key to select my website. I've gotten so used to opening a new tab and quickly typing "gi", hitting enter, and having it take me here.

Advertising costs are very low for Apple, since Gizmodo gives them all the free advertising they could need.

@aec007: Well then, maybe we should all bash ME for being an f'ing retard.

@cc: +1