
@Robotronic: "Is security so dear, or wealth so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Did anyone else follow the link to 9-to-5, watch the video, and notice that the buttons are not switched? The guy pushes down and the volume goes down. He pushes up and the volume goes up. As much as I love a good Apple bashing, perhaps this time would be better used bashing the maker of that video for being an f'ing

@xXZEBRAXx: I was actually expecting you to simply say "Fit in my pocket" as something the iPhone can do that the EVO can't. It's big, but it fits fine in my pockets and I wear tighter-ish pants. (I don't own an EVO, but was curious about it, so I tried.) and the big screen is nice. This is personal preference.

@smokeeater11: That was a joke. I have many non-douche friends who own iPhones. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

@koolpin: 70,000 (and growing faster than the App store) is not bad considering the fact that you can download and install apps that don't exist in the app store, if you choose. Plus, half of the 210,000 are fart apps. A shitload of duplicates does not equal better. It just equals more.

@verditsgerman: After you do that, I'll toss out a few of the things that can be done on the Evo that can't be done on the iPhone.

@xXZEBRAXx: Name one thing that the iPhone can do that cannot also be done on the Evo.

@tramblin3: I'm typing this using a keyboard that I chose and downloaded inside of a browser that I chose and downloaded which I launched from a home screen that I chose, downloaded, and set up as I wanted it with widgets.

They should remove the YES from the iPhone multitasking, fix the "upgradable storage" on the Android phones, and add some columns that give credit to the Androids where credit is due; open-source, freedom, third party apps, and most notably, not looking like a douche showing off your inferior device.

@robo: It works better.

@Dave Butts: If you put Linux or Android on it, it will quickly double the uses of an iPad. I'm sorry, but locked down operating systems just can't do as much.