
There was recently an interview with George RR Martin and Neil Gaiman where they discuss “unauthentic” and “illegitimate” adaptations. While The Witcher hasn’t gone full blown unauthentic yet, it has flirted with it constantly. It’s clear that they don’t fully understand or respect the characters, which is a major

Given how Paradox nailed CK3 - a followup to a game that was bursting at the seams with content - I had very high hopes for Victoria 3.

But this is not the first review (nor the 10th, 11th, or 12th) that has complained about the extremely thin veneer that V3 wears. The game doesn’t have the depth, complexity, or

Microsoft’s quality control on these gamepads makes a raging dumpster fire seem like a quaint birthday candle. I’ve been through half a dozen Elites and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has had major issues. I love the feel of the things, but they are so unreliable it’s incredible.

To be fair, Google botched Stadia like they do all their products. They make great things, then they blow it when it comes to launching, marketing, and maintaining them. Google also has a reputation for killing off products, so there would naturally be a lot of resistance to “buying” games on their platform; because

Did they fix ultrawide support yet? And by that, I mean did they stop deliberately and intentionally hiding half of the screen for the ultrawide users.

Adelstein got played. That’s all there is to it. Poker is as much a game of psychology as it is odds, and he totally played into Lew’s hands. Being such a poor sport and sore loser should get him banned from future competition.

Dune couldn’t get me into a theater.

Aww, are the fragile little snowflakes upset about... *checks notes*... a black woman playing a flute...?

Honestly, if you’re a PC gamer, a Steam Deck is a MUCH better deal.

Honestly, if you’re a PC gamer, a Steam Deck is a MUCH better deal.

You should change the title since PC isn’t included.

It’s about helping people right now who are having a hard time due to the state of our economy.

Hello from California. I make well over $90K and still have to stress about bills due to the absolutely nightmarish cost of living. I am also the sole earner for my family.

This means I paid for the school loans which are now being cancelled, thus my money is gone.

I’ve been tempted to play a few times over the years, and every time I find myself tempted, I remember that it’s essentially like starting a book right in the middle and it’s a hard “no way” from me.

100%. For the price, you’d expect impeccable build quality. It FEELS like a great, solid controller - but it has SO many problems.

Controller 1: Button A is unreliable. Top left paddle is loose.
Controller 2: Top left paddle is loose. Button B sticks.
Controller 3: Top right paddle is loose. A button is unreliable.

100%. For the price, you’d expect impeccable build quality. It FEELS like a great, solid controller - but it has SO

If YouTube didn’t immideatelly side with any copyright claim and screw their creators without a second thought...

A push for a more complex set of 3D tools, however, I think runs the risk of altering not just the game, but potentially the hobby itself.

For a while now, I’ve felt like if the government comes for Apple’s lack of side loading support, game consoles can’t be far behind.

Saints Row has developed a reputation for being weird... but it’s a particular kind of weird... it sets a straight face, and then contrasts that with bizarreness. It works because of that duality.

Thematically, this one seems to have forgotten those roots and just gone all-in on emulating Fortnite instead. And given

Psst... Steam Deck is whispering your name from the shadows. It gestures to you with deep, sensual promise in its eyes.