Ugh this white bitch. The dog is cute though.
Ugh this white bitch. The dog is cute though.
Lol fuck off troll
Everything that happened before she said no was done without consent, so yes. Assault.
Yeah, it’s a crime the pain he caused, but he was a 21 year old indoctrinated into a belief system, writing about something he probably had almost no experience with.
Yes, it would have been nice if he had realized this before he wrote his book, however the book was a reflection of part of that culture and someone would have written something similar.
This comment and the one above it by veraps are excellent. As a long time credible journalist, it’s weird trying to figure out Mayer’s motivations on this piece. It really does look like the hill she was willing to die on. But why? It almost makes one think that perhaps she had a personal stake in rehabilitating him,…
Al followed me all around DFW airport, leering and making comments to his friends about my looks and body. This was in 2006.
He quit before the "due process" process could process his case. But, nice try.
And the article was written so manipulatively, in so many disappointing ways.
It’s just bizarre that she framed it as “the untold story” behind Tweeden’s allegations, when almost none of the story she was telling about Tweeden was new. It was all rehashed in depth at the time; the idea that it was politically motivated, and spread by people with political agendas, and that parts of her story…
Anna, first on the topic.
I saw a commercial for this movie that referred to it as “Tarantino’s masterpiece” and my first thought was, “no, that’s Jackie Brown”.
It really is the best one and so underrated.
At the risk of outing myself as having terrible taste in film, does anyone else find most of his work unwatchable? I’ve just never understood the appeal of such a high violence to plot ratio and it’s really off-putting to me.
I have pedal extenders
After my car crash, I had what looked like a rugburn under my chin where the airbag hit me. It snapped my head back so hard my glasses broke at the hinge.
Also, the seat belt rides up to my throat and I have keep pulling it down (I’m only 5'3"). I don’t even want to imagine the neck injuries I will sustain if I’m in a serious car accident.
My sister is under 5 feet and had to have her airbag disconnected - it would kill her if it inflated
Also is a pretty clear indicator that he shouldn’t become a doctor.
On top of that, when short woman drive they have to sit so far forward to be able to even reach the pedals that the force of the airbag coming out is likely to kill them. I saw this as a 5 foot nothing woman who has to sit as far forward as possible.
argued that his client fell victim to temptation