You know what, I think Scarlett is right. She would be perfect in the role of the tree, it would suit her wooden and stiff acting style.
You know what, I think Scarlett is right. She would be perfect in the role of the tree, it would suit her wooden and stiff acting style.
That crazy bitch doesn’t have enough face for her head size.
Insane. That outfit isn’t even revealing! I don’t care how naked someone is on a plane as long as they keep their bottoms on and don’t put their bare feet anywhere near me.
So he didn’t... climb a ladder and look into the facility? Him climbing the ladder isn’t going to bring more attention to this issue (especially when all the other candidates are doing it). And I don’t know that looking in is going to change his mind if he already believes that what’s being done is wrong and that he…
I say this as a former Army officer, but war is too cheap now. With drones, cruise missiles, and near impenetrable tanks, it’s just dollars down the hole. As Robert E. Lee said “It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it.” We’ve made war cheap and cheapened lives in the end.
Yeah I read that after Sundown Towns and you're right, it's indeed life changing.
Those are a lot of interesting questions. Perhaps a commission should be formed to study those and other relevant issues, and make recommendations.
he switched to a Southern accent and noted that the senator “never called me ‘boy,’” a racial epithet demeaning to black men.
I’ve mentioned this before, but the fundamental problem with the rhetoric of people like McConnell (beyond the fact that, ya know, it’s in patent bad faith and designed merely to be repeated by people to say why, of course, reparations are beyond the pale), is that it confuses the issue of “fault” with…
It can’t possibly be that hard to have some sort of app that allows audience members to submit questions to the moderator, and the moderator can choose from there. This is the obvious solution.
*Please bring me out of the greys* So I can give the people an important message:
I say this in all sincerity, Fuck Rahm Emmanuel!!
Totally agree! Lazy writing, indeed.
WOW does he ever look different. He definitely had Botox or some kind of eyebrow lift. They used to be more normal (for a dude) and straight across. And he’s lasered or peeled his skin so much he looks like he’s been living in a crypt for the past 10 years and gotten no sun or exercise. He didn’t used to have the…
Donald would love that.
He’s very clearly trying to troll her to get attention for a campaign that nobody wants. Why is he owed a public debate?
I really did not like it either. Glad I’m not the only one. There were a few laugh-out-loud moments, but they were few and far between. I didn’t find any of the characters likable, let alone relatable. There was so little character development - all the characters felt like caricatures. The end made no sense…
Yeah, I just didn’t get much out of this one. And as an introverted nerd who was probably way too in love with school and didn’t do much at all socially in high school — call it being a late bloomer if you want — I sort of expected to see at least something familiar to me or my feelings or experiences in it. But...…